Assignment 4
, Module: CAD1501 2022
Assignment 4
Question 1
1.1 Gardner theorizes that people do not have just an intellectual capacity, but have many kinds
of intelligence, including musical, interpersonal, spatial-visual, and linguistic intelligences.
1.2 Visual-Spatial Intelligence
People who are strong in visual-spatial intelligence are good at visualizing things. These
individuals are often good with directions as well as maps, charts, videos, and pictures.
Linguistic-Verbal Intelligence
People who are strong in linguistic-verbal intelligence are able to use words well, both when
writing and speaking. These individuals are typically very good at writing stories, memorizing
information, and reading
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
People who are strong in logical-mathematical intelligence are good at reasoning, recognizing
patterns, and logically analyzing problems. These individuals tend to think conceptually about
numbers, relationships, and patterns.
Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence
Those who have high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence are said to be good at body movement,
performing actions, and physical control. People who are strong in this area tend to have
excellent hand-eye coordination and dexterity.
Musical Intelligence
People who have strong musical intelligence are good at thinking in patterns, rhythms, and
sounds. They have a strong appreciation for music and are often good at musical composition
and performance.
Interpersonal Intelligence
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