Sck4801 final draft exam solutions
Semester year 2022
1.1 In view of the case study above, define the following:
1.1.1 Define what advanced empathy is and link your answer to the case study.
Empathy is essential for interpersonal helping and is considered a key change
process in psychotherapy (Bohart, Elliott, Greenberg, & Watson, 2002). In everyday
discourse, to empathise with another is to see things from their perspective and to
feel with them, or, in the language of metaphor, to “walk in their shoes” or to “look
from their window”. It is widely understood and defined as,
, …the action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously
experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present
without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively
explicit manner (Merriam-Webster, 2019).
1.1.2 Define what implied message is and link your answer to the case study.
The Implied Main Idea is one that is NOT clearly stated in any one sentence in a
passage. It is only suggested or inferred by the supporting details. The author
doesn't state it directly. An implied main idea can be found in several ways. Several
sentences in a paragraph can imply the main idea by introducing facts about the
topic before actually stating the topic. Implied ideas can be drawn from facts,
reasons, or examples that give hints or suggestions concerning the main idea.
1.1.3 Define what connecting islands is and link your answer to the case study.
Although “the island”is a significant concept within various cultures around the world,
there is a lack of agreement withinisland geography regarding the basic question of
how islands should be identified and defined (Fernandes & Pinho, 2017;Grydehøj,
2017; Hay, 2006; Rankin, 2016, p. 20). Much of this disagreement revolves around
issues of connectivity. Whileisland geographers increasingly emphasise that islands
are enmeshed in complex networks of relationality (Chandler &Pugh, 2018; Pugh,
2018), the literature frequently continues to define islands by their purported isolation
and peripherality.As Hayward states:
In one sense, islands are easy to characterise, the working definition being that they are areas of land
whollysurrounded by water. But the edges of that definition are blurred …. Areas that have been
bridged or linkedby causeways are often regarded as having been significantly ‘de ‐islanded’by human
engineering. (2016, p. 1)
Despite decidedly mixed empirical evidence with regard to the effects of “fixed
links”(bridges, tunnels, causeways) onisland societies, and despite many island
studies researchers arguing that fixed links do not necessarily mean an end
1.1.4 Define what implied message is and link your answer to the case study.
An implied main idea can be found in several ways. Several sentences in a
paragraph can imply the main idea by introducing facts about the topic before
actually stating the topic. Implied ideas can be drawn from facts, reasons, or
examples that give hints or suggestions concerning the main idea.
To imply is to state something indirectly. An implied main idea is an indirectly stated
main point or argument. The listener or reader must use clues and prior knowledge
to make an inference (a conclusion based on evidence) to determine the main idea.
The main idea of a sentence, passage, or text is the main point or argument that is
being made within the text. The main idea can be stated or implied. A stated main
idea is clearly stated within the text; an implied main idea, on the other hand, is not
directly stated.