Surname : Skondo
Full Names : Nombulelo
Student Number : 50689258
Unique No : 187876
Assignment No : 01
Due Date : 20 May 2022
Question 1:
a) Indigenous Knowledge
is the body of knowledge or natural history built up by a group of people
through generations of living in close contact with nature. traditional
knowledge that indigenous people have brought down with them from earlier
times via the oral tradition.
b) Indigenous Knowledge Systems comprises knowledge developed within
indigenous societies, independent of, and prior to, the advent of the modern
scientific knowledge system (MSKS).
c) Traditional Knowledge
knowledge, know-how, skills and practices that are developed, sustained and
passed on from generation to generation within a community, implies that
people living in rural areas are isolated from the rest of the world and that their
knowledge systems are static and do not interact with other knowledge
d) Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and
refers to the evolving knowledge acquired by indigenous and local peoples
over hundreds or thousands of years through direct contact with the
environment. It is history built up by a group of people through generations of
living in close contact with nature
, e) Traditional Environmental Knowledge
is a body of knowledge and beliefs transmitted through oral traditions and first
hand observation.
Question 2
Indigenous knowledge is important because Indigenous knowledge makes our lives
healthier, it is important, because of its contribution of indigenous knowledge to local
empowerment and development, increase the self-sufficiency and strength self-
determination (Ulluwishewa 1993). learning from indigenous knowledge can improve
understanding of local conditions and provide a productive context for activities
designed to help the communities
Indigenous knowledge provides problem-solving strategies for local
communities, especially the poor. Indigenous knowledge represents an
important component of global knowledge on development issues.
Sharing of Indigenous Knowledge within and across communities can
enhance cross-cultural understanding
Understanding indigenous knowledge can increase responsiveness to clients.
Learning from indigenous knowledge can improve understanding of local
Question 3
Scientific knowledge has changed over time through improved access to information,
changes in society, and new discoveries. One factor that changes scientific
knowledge is improved access to information. Improved technology has allowed little
kids to learn a lot more compared to what their parents learned when they were that
Science has changed the people and their living, life style, food habits, sleeping
arrangements, earning methods, the way of communication between people and
recreational activities. All kinds of music systems, computer games, electronic video
games, DVDs, cinema entertainment and communication have been brought to our
door with the help of Science. The life of man was very different from what it used to
be 100 years back. Science has given ears to the deaf, eyes to the blind and limbs to
the crippled. Science has adequately, energetically and productively advanced,
changed, civilized, enhanced and progressed human life. Science has brought
sophistication to human life. Life was uncertain. It was rare to see to somebody thirty
years old because due to diseases many people died earlier than the age of thirty.
These conditions were prevailing just a short while ago. In everyday life, we have to
communicate with different friends and relatives, various official people and for