How the media shapes our views about
LBGTQI+ Identities within Africa.
SOC3704: Group Dynamics 2022/1
2022 Final Exam 2667 Word Critical Essay
100% Plagiarism Free (Grammarly or Copyscape)
Including References Compiled with care by - CreativeJ
So this essay was a bit of tricky one. I had to
critically review 2 research reports and
formulate my opinion. So, if you're like me
and you hate writing critical essays, then this Please remember
post is for you! to avoid plagiarism,
as it is genuinely
The topic is: Gender Lens to unpack how the academic suicide.
media shapes our views about LBGTQI+ Always think
Identities within Africa. critically, complete
your coursework
N.B. These are drawn from my own past study
materials/answers, and I make no guarantees.
and formulate your
Now give yourself a hug. own opinions.
,A few important details
about this document
This essay is carefully constructed with the or 10 Pages,
intent to inform a knowledgeable audience if you're counting.
and is presented in a formal tone of voice.
I have followed academic writing conventions
and the Harvard referencing style and
British English Plagiarism score:
Checked for: Checked on Copyscape
Spelling, Grammar, and Punctuation or Grammarly
(and a stiff upper lip).
, Page |2
Focus: Case study on using the Gender Lens to unpack how the media shapes our views
about LBGTQI+ (Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transsexual, Queer and Intersex) Identities within
Format: Case study analysis and report
Length of report: 6-8 pages excluding title page, table of content and list of sources (please do
not exceed the number of maximum pages)
Source: SOC3704 Study Guide (Study Units 1, 4, 5 and 8)
Internet Sources (you may also find our own from creditable sources):
1. GenderLinks. 2015. A snapshot of LGBT media coverage in East, West and Southern
Africa. Download: file:///C:/Users/Roetshjl/OneDrive%20-
2. Arcus Foundation. 2020. Media Representation of LGBTQ People in Africa.
Both are pdf documents which you can download and safe to be used for the duration of the
Main Topic: Gender Lens to unpack how the media shapes our views about LBGTQI+
(Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transsexual, Queer and Intersex) Identities within Africa.
Structure: Mark
1. Executive Summary – Summary of Paper (1/2 page) 5%
2. Introduction – what is the assignment all about? (+ 1-2 paragraphs) 5%
3. Background: a) what is groups and collective life (study guide Learning Unit 1) 15%
- Please unpack the study of groups and collective life
- Concluding summarized paragraph
b) unpacking the psychodynamic approach to groups (study guide
Learning Unit 4) (+ 1 page)
- Please unpack the set of assumptions, the unconscious processes,
how early childhood shape our group experiences and the three levels
of analysis.
- summary of the psychodynamic approach.
4. Gender Lens to unpack how the media shapes our views about LBGTQI (Lesbian,
Bisexual, Gay, Transsexual, Queer and Intersex) Identities within Africa. (50%)
(Theoretical understanding = 30% + practical application = 20%) (+4 pages) 50%
2|Pa ge
, Page |3
a) Unpacking gender by looking at the biology versus social understanding of sex
and gender, social construction of gender, the intersectionality of gender, and
how does gender influence our narratives and social histories. (Study guide
Learning Unit 5).
b) Explain what the impact of media representation on attitudes and identity is
(Study Guide Learning Unit 6)
Summarise the two internet sources (you are welcome to add more applicable and
creditable sources) to unpack how the media shapes the attitudes and identities of
LBGTQI+ people in Africa.
Critically engage with these sources to address the following issues:
a) How do the different elements of gender and identity play a role in the
representation of LBGTQI+ people in media?
b) How do the media influence people’s attitudes and perceptions of LBGTQI+ in
5. Conclusion and Recommendations (3-4 actions) to according to your own view, how
can media play a role to educate and change people’s perceptions about LBGTQI+
communities in Africa. 10%
6. Technical Care – Title Page, Table of Content, Numbering of Pages, Headings and
Sub-headings, Referencing, list of references - See TUT letter 301 for guidance 5%
Contact person: Mr Leon Roets
Telephone Number – 012 429 6975
During exam: Daily on myUnisa under Discussion Forum
3|Pa ge
, Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3
Executive Summary 4
Introduction 4
Groups and Collective Life 4
The Psychodynamic Approach to Groups 5
Biology/sex and gender 7
Individual Narratives and Social History 7
The Social Construction of Gender 8
Theoretical Understanding of Gender 9
Impact of Media Representation on Attitudes and Identity 9
Media Influence on People’s Attitudes and Perceptions 9
Gender and identity - the representation of LBGTQI+ people in media 9
Practical Application: Summaries of the Two Internet Sources 10
Gender Links: A snapshot of LGBT media coverage in East, West and Southern
Africa 10
Arcus Foundation: Media Representation of LGBTQ People in Africa 11
Conclusion and Recommendations 11
6. List of References 12
SOC3704, 2022/1, June Examination 1