Spring, 2010
Dr. Donna Pincus, Ph.D.
Abnormal Psychology: PS 371 A1
Spring, 2010
Professor: Donna B. Pincus, Ph.D.
Office Location: 648 Beacon Street, 6th Floor, Room 628
(Let front desk know you are here to see me)
Phone: (617) 353-9610
Email: (good way to reach me)
Office Hours: By appointment
Class Lecture Meetings: Tues and Thurs, 11-12:30
Lecture Location: SAR (Sargent College) Room 102; 635 Commonwealth Avenue
Teaching Fellow: Chris Fairholme, M.A.
Office: 648 Beacon Street, 6th Floor (Let the front desk know you are here to see me)
Hours: Tuesday 1-2pm or by appointment
Texts: 1) D. Barlow & V. M. Durand, Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach,
5th Edition: Wadsworth Publishers. 2) Casebook in Abnormal Psychology (3 rd Edition),
Wadsworth Publishers (Both available at the BU Barnes and Nobles Bookstore ISBN #
9780495657958). The textbook includes a CD-ROM with links to the internet, video
clips of actual patients, and review questions. Other FREE resources include the
book’s companion website, which offers practice quizzes, helpful flashcards, additional
links to related sites, etc.) (The text and casebook are offered as a bundle/package from
the bookstore which will save you money).
Course Description: This course will provide a thorough review of psychopathology
and related clinical issues. We will cover the etiology, clinical characteristics,
assessment, diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. We will cover all major
categories of adult psychopathology. We will recognize the importance of life span
developmental factors to the manifestation and treatment of psychopathology by taking
a developmental psychopathology perspective throughout the course. We will
emphasize learning about the signs and symptoms of each disorder, theories and
empirical data addressing the etiology of mental disorders, and we will also discuss
current treatments. Throughout the course, we will utilize creative learning tools to bring
psychological disorders to “life” through the use of clinical case descriptions, videos,
and interactive classroom activities.
Course Objectives: To gain a conceptual understanding of what abnormal psychology
is, to obtain an understanding of the uniform diagnostic system for classifying
psychopathology, to familiarize students with a range of psychological disorders and
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, Spring, 2010
Dr. Donna Pincus, Ph.D.
their signs and symptoms, to introduce the models and theories that clinical
psychologists and practitioners use to both understand and treat psychological
disorders; to promote critical thinking of psychological theories and treatments. Also, to
enjoy this course and have it inspire you to think more deeply about the nature of
psychological disorders.
Course Format: Class will consist of lecture periods and a discussion section. Class
lectures will be held in SAR, Room 102, and will meet on Tues and Thursdays, from 11-
12:30pm. See below for specific dates and lecture schedule.
Discussion Sections: All discussion sections will be held in the rooms and at the times
listed below. Attendance in discussion sections is required, and comprises 15% of your
final grade. Plus, interesting discussions of course material will take place during these
discussion sections, so you will likely enjoy this part of the course.
Discussion Section Locations and Times:
8am PSY Room B47
9am PSY Room B41
10am PSY Room 155
11am PSY Room 155
Attendance: Attendance is critical for comprehending course material and performing
well on exams and assignments; thus, attendance is required for lectures and
discussion sections. Students are responsible for all material covered in class and
during discussion sections. The exams contain questions from the powerpoint lectures
as well as from videos shown in class, guest speaker presentations, etc., therefore your
attendance in class is important. Missed exams can be made up only with a written
excuse from the dean’s office or health service. In the event that you miss class or
discussion section, it is your responsibility to catch up on missed work. The Professor
and Teaching Fellow do not provide additional lecture notes besides the powerpoint
slides posted online.
Course Requirements/Grading: There will be three multiple choice exams (non-
cumulative) worth 75% of total grade (25% each), 15% of grade determined by work,
participation, and attendance in discussion sections, and 10% of grade based on a one
Grading Scale: A = 93-100; A- = 90-92; B+ = 86-89; B = 83-85; B- = 80-82;
C+ = 76-79; C = 70-75; D = 60-69; F = Below 60.
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