1.1 B
1.2 C
1.3 B
1.4 A
1.5 C
2.1.1 Content knowledge
- Pedagogical knowledge
- Technological knowledge
2.1.2 Pedagogical content knowledge
- Technological content knowledge
- Technological pedagogical knowledge
2.1.3 Technological pedagogical content knowledge.
2.2 A teacher can have many roles within the classroom and outside of the
classroom, i.e., sports ground or playground. The role as a NST teacher, within the
classroom, includes the following: create lesson plans, evaluate learner
performances, make use of technology, make use of experiential learning, be first-
hand in the classroom, maintain a safe and supportive classroom environment and
be knowledgeable in the subject area. The role of a learner in a NST classroom
includes but is not limited to the following: The first and most key role of a learner is
to attend school and all the necessary classes. The learner's role in the learning
process is to be a passive listener, active listening requires paying attention during
class and completing the work as prescribed by the teacher.
, Teacher competencies can include but not limited to the following: Knowledgeable in
the subject matter, able to develop and apply an extended framework of goals,
plans, materials, and resources for instruction, have general skills of teaching,
understand the context of NST. Learning activities: Watching videos, experiential
learning, first-hand activities, demonstration, creating things and analysing things.
Assessments: These consists of a practical task, and or investigation and
2.3 For teaching a subject like Natural Science and Technology, I would choose the
experiential learning theory because in a subject like NST, it is all about the
experience of experimenting. The experiential learning includes learning by doing,
through experience, through exploration and discovery. This helps learners develop
skills by individual work, to emphasize their creativity and originality, and for me most
importantly, their self-confidence. Experiential learning is based on the idea that the
more often a learner reflects on a task, the more the learner will have the opportunity
to modify and refine their efforts. As a teacher, without reflection, we would continue
to repeat the mistakes, and the same goes for a NST learner. It is especially
important for me as a teacher to promote critical thinking in my learners ‘day today
lives. Therefore, learners should be able to make the connection between what they
learn from the curriculum and relate that to what happens in the real world.
2.4 Socio-economic situation do they live in? Are they meeting academic
achievement standards, or are they struggling? Do they have a good relationship
with their peers? This information will help me understand my learners’ strengths and
weaknesses, and to be able to address the challenges and opportunities that come
with a focus on diversity in the classroom. Another way is to alternate or adapt your
teaching style by using different techniques and strategies. This will help learners
with unique needs. Assignment modification is also another way to adapt your
teaching. Modifications do not fundamentally alter or lower expectations or standards
in instructional level (conceptual difficulty), content, or performance criteria. Instead,
changes are made in the instructional delivery method, assessment method, or both
to enable the student to have access to the same learning and equal opportunity to
demonstrate learning.