Student Number:
Module Code: SDBEC0S
Subject Name: Subject Didactics Business Studies
Due Date: 09 November 2022
(Your portfolio/exam script will not be marked if this is not completed)
I, MICHAEL RAMPHISA ……………… (Name & Surname)
Learner number: ………………….
Module code: …SDBEC0S................
Hereby declare the following:
I understand UNISA’S policy on plagiarism. This examination is my original work
produced by myself. I have duly acknowledged all the other people’s work (both
electronic and print) through the proper reference techniques as stipulated in this
I have not copied work of others and handed it in as my own. I have also not made my
work available to any fellow learners to submit as their own.
Signature……M RAMPHISA……………. Date…09/11/2022……………….
1.1.1 false
1.1.2 false
1.1.3 true
1.1.4 false
1.1.5 true
1.2 Define the following concepts:
1.2.1 Business Studies- Business Studies is the study of the foundational information
necessary for effective and ethical engagement in both the formal and informal economies.
The field covers the theory and practice of business that fuels new business creation, long-
term company viability, and overall economic expansion.
1.2.2 Teaching- Teaching is the action of guiding students through the learning process in
order to achieve desired outcomes. To achieve specific goals in the classroom, teachers
participate in a process that includes all the actions they do to mediate, facilitate, and
enable meaningful learning. Included in this category of tasks is figuring out whether the
students have mastered the material.
1.2.3 Learning- The process of learning, which may include the synthesis of many forms of
information, entails the acquisition of new information as well as the modification and
reinforcement of previously acquired knowledge, actions, abilities, attitudes, and
preferences. All living things, including some plants and robots, have the capacity to learn.
1.2.4 Learner-centred teaching- Teaching strategies that are learner-centered move the
emphasis away from the instructor and onto the students receiving the instruction. Active
learning is one of these approaches, in which students are actively involved in the learning
process by engaging in activities including problem solving, question generation, response
provision, explanation, discussion, and brainstorming while in class.
1.2.5 Assessment- Using a variety of methods, assessment is an ongoing, deliberate
procedure for collecting and analyzing data regarding students' progress toward learning
goals. Producing and collecting proof of success, analyzing this evidence, documenting the
results, and utilizing this knowledge to understand and aid the learner's progress are the
four stages that make up this method of enhancing the learning and teaching process.