“A discourse on exploring meaning
and life satisfaction in retirees ages 60
to 90”
Unique Assessment Number : 812850
Due: 04 October 2022
, A discourse on exploring meaning and life satisfaction in retirees ages 60 to 90
Table of Contents
Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Finding meaning and life satisfaction in old age; a discourse on exploring the factors that
influence the meaning of life in retired individuals aged 60-90 years old ................................ 2
Introduction................................................................................................................................ 3
Finding meaning and life satisfaction in old age; a discourse on exploring the factors that
influence the meaning of life in retired individuals aged 60-90 years old ................................... 3
Reviewing our literature ............................................................................................................ 5
Contributing factors to the level of Life Satisfaction experienced ............................................... 6
Transitioning from the labour force to retirement ...................................................................... 7
Retirement and Mental Health ................................................................................................... 8
Research Method and Research Design: A Qualitative Study................................................. 11
Interviews: ................................................................................................................................13
PARTICIPANT 01 – AGE: 73 ......................................................................................................................... 13
WIDOWED .................................................................................................................................................. 13
PARTICIPANT 02 – AGE: 75 ......................................................................................................................... 17
WIDOWED .................................................................................................................................................. 17
PARTICIPANT 03 – 60.................................................................................................................................. 21
MARRIED .................................................................................................................................................... 21
Methodological Integrity .........................................................................................................25
Research Findings ................................................................................................................... 26
Findings ...................................................................................................................................26
1. The effects of physical and mental health on perceived life satisfaction in retirement ...27
2. Financial Freedom and its effects on satisfaction. ...........................................................27
3. Voluntary vs Involuntary retirement and its effects on life satisfaction .........................28
4. The importance of physical activity in retirement ..........................................................29
5. Social structures and Support systems ............................................................................29
6. Overall satisfaction in retirement ....................................................................................29
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 30
Discussion: Qualitative Research ............................................................................................ 30
References ................................................................................................................................ 33
October, 04. 2022 1
, A discourse on exploring meaning and life satisfaction in retirees ages 60 to 90
Finding meaning and life satisfaction in old age; a discourse on exploring the factors that
influence the meaning of life in retired individuals aged 60-90 years old
The purpose of this study was to obtain an in-depth understanding in the meaning of life and
life satisfaction in retirees between the ages of sixty to ninety years old. The aim of this study
was to ultimately explore and identify any and all factors that either positively or negatively
influenced life satisfaction in 60 to 90 year old retired individuals. The most appropriate
method of research for this type of study, and the method that was used to conduct this study,
was a qualitative approach. By using qualitative methods of research, a grounded theory
approach was used in order to gather the information I needed to further present this study. I
conducted semi-structured, yet psychoanalytical interviews with three participants as
requested by the faculty, all falling between the ages of 60-90-years old. Through the process
of conduction, I picked up on some prominent themes that presented themselves as the study
continued. These themes started presenting themselves throughout the interviews, and in turn,
has given me the information I need in order to conduct a full and methodical data analysis of
my research issue. Some of the themes that appeared in my research were; the level of the
individuals health, their financial situations, mental health status, their level of physical
activity in retirement, any and all support structures, reminiscing and reviewing, and lastly,
death anxiety. Following these interviews, I have compiled a comprehensive literature
review, with special reference to the relating themes that I have presented above, as well as
discussing how these themes have affected ones mental health, physical health, social settings
and ultimately their happiness, with reference to the overall contribution that these outlined
themes had on these individuals’ meaning and life satisfaction in their retired life. Previous
studies have been conducted on this research issue and have shown that these themes are very
eminent in existing literature, thus stipulating that these factors are in fact habitual influences
on the life satisfaction of these retirees. However, one cannot generalize the results found on
these studies due to the sample size and the similitude of the participants, thus, one must also
factor into the equation aspects such as; ones cultural and socio-economic backgrounds and
further study whether or not these factors have contributed to the meaning and life
satisfaction of retired individuals.
Keywords: discourse, retirement, mental health, loneliness, ontological meaning, death
anxiety, psychoanalysis, retired individual’s, qualitative, grounded theory
October, 04. 2022 2
, A discourse on exploring meaning and life satisfaction in retirees ages 60 to 90
Finding meaning and life satisfaction in old age; a discourse on exploring the factors that
influence the meaning of life in retired individuals aged 60-90 years old
After conducting my interviews with the three participant retirees, it was clear to me that
those who are still working in their retirement and engaging with other individuals on a day-
to-day basis, have a good support system, have great physical and mental health and
seemingly have more financial freedom, seemingly have a more satisfying and fulfilling life
in retirement. However, that’s not to say that those who are worse off or those who aren’t in
such great shape, and don’t interact as much with other people, have a less satisfying
retirement, and this is where the issue of the study comes to play. Retirement is one of those
things that can be seen in any and every light, depending on the individual experiencing it.
This is why research findings related to this topic are so vital to our understanding of the
intricacies of the study. According to (Dychtwald, Erickson, & Morison, 2004), “the concept
of retirement is outdated and should be put out to pasture in favour of a more flexible
approach”. What we don’t understand from an outsiders perspective, is the mental and
physical strain that retirement puts on these individuals who are wanting to/needing to retire,
as well as the stress and anxiety that they experience leading up to retirement. Are they
ready? Do they have the financial means to support themselves and their families? Have they
achieved everything they set out to achieve at the start? Have they fulfilled their own
expectations and achieved all their once thought to be unattainable goals? For some, the
taboo around retirement has made it somewhat more difficult to enjoy the transition into
retirement, and this is why it is so key to highlight these problems when conducting research
on life satisfaction in retired individuals. The results of a study conducted by Li et al, has
shown that “life satisfaction in older adults’ is associated with the level of education,
financial resources, self-assessment of health, receiving financial support from their children,
and satisfying their support” (Papi & Cheraghi, 2021).
As Ellison said, life satisfaction is “a cognitive assessment of an underlying state thought to
be relatively consistent and influenced by social factors” (Ackerman, 2021). Individuals seem
to be living longer in present times versus their average life expectancy centuries ago. This
change in life expectancy could be due to multiple socio-economic factors that now play part
in our daily lives, increasing one’s life expectancy and improving one’s health and longevity.
The concept of life satisfaction is sometimes interchanged with one’s happiness, however,
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