Assignment 1 Semester 1 2024
Detailed Solutions, References & Explanations
Unique number: 550910
Due Date: 6 March 2024
On the topic of plagiarism committed by students, you read the following
statement: "Students also commit plagiarism when they copy and paste from
books, Internet websites, or study guidesasand when they quote extensively without
acknowledging the source(s) they quote from. Thus, not only when they copy their
answers directly from other students."
1. Explain why you agree or disagree with the statement above, by describing
what you understand by plagiarism. (100 words, 2 marks)
2. Explain what you can do, or what precautions you can take, to avoid
plagiarism while completing your answer file. Include how you approached
quoting parts of your answers verbatim from the study guide or other
source(s) (100 words, 4 marks)
3. Why must students include a "List of References" at the end of an
assignment or portfolio? Also explain how you approached referring to
sources that are referred to in the Study Guide, but which you did not Terms of use
By making use of this document you agree to:
directly consult or use yourself. (100 words, 2 marks)
• Use this document as a guide for learning, comparison and reference purpose,
• Not to duplicate, reproduce and/or misrepresent the contents of this document as your own work,
• Fully accept the consequences should you plagiarise or misuse this document.
Extreme care has been used to create this document, however the contents are provided “as is” without
any representations or warranties, express or implied. The author assumes no liability as a result of
reliance and use of the contents of this document. This document is to be used for comparison, research
and reference purposes ONLY. No part of this document may be reproduced, resold or transmitted in any
form or by any means.