DUE Tuesday, 22 August 2023
11:00 PM
,Assessment 1: Attempt review
UNISA 2023 ECS1601-23-S2 Online assessments Assessment 1
Started on Sunday, 20 August 2023, 11:39 AM
State Finished
Completed on Sunday, 20 August 2023, 12:49 PM
Time taken 1 hour 9 mins
Marks 40.00/40.00
Grade 100.00 out of 100.00
Question 1
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00
What is the correct de�nition of the opportunity cost of a choice?
a. the cost of the alternative.
b. the monetary value of the best alternative that was chosen instead of the alternative.
c. the monetary value to the decision-maker of the choice made.
d. the opportunity to make a different choice.
e. the value to the decision-maker of the alternative that could have been chosen.
Every time a choice is made, opportunity cost is incurred; and economists always measure cost in terms of opportunity cost.
The cost of using a resource is measured by determining how it could have been used alternatively, not necessarily what it cost
to purchase. See page 2 of the prescribed book.
Question 2
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00
Households are confronted with………, but with ………resources with which to satisfy those wants.
a. unlimited wants; unlimited
b. limited wants; limited
c. unlimited wants; limited
d. limited wants; unlimited
Households are confronted with unlimited wants, but with limited resources to satisfy those wants.
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,Assessment 1: Attempt review
Question 3
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00
In the circular �ow of income and spending in South Africa, spending by �rms in the factor market becomes ________
households, while ________ households in the goods market becomes ________.
a. spending by; income to; income to �rms.
b. income to; spending by; income to �rms
c. spending by; spending by; income to �rms
d. income to; income to; spending by �rms
Firms are primarily engaged in production. Therefore, �rms will have to purchase the factors of production from households in
the factor market. Households need to be remunerated for the factors of production in the form of different types of income.
This income of households is then used to purchase goods and services in the goods market from �rms, which then becomes
income for �rms. Exports an addition or injection into the circular �ow of income and spending in the domestic economy. See
pages 6 and 7 in the prescribed book.
Question 4
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00
Pick n Pay, Spar, Checkers and Shoprite came together to �x the price of gas heaters in July 2022. This was so that they could
keep the price at a level to ensure that all four stores remained pro�table. On which area of study in economics does this
a. macroeconomics
b. development economics
c. microeconomics
d. international economics
The four retail stores (Pick n Pay, Spar, Checkers and Shoprite) coming together to agree on a price level for gas heaters is
called a cartel. The purpose of a cartel is to increase the pro�tability of �rms and to prevent competitors from entering the
market for certain goods. This scenario applies to microeconomics because it deals with the interaction of �rms in a market
and the effects of their actions on prices.
Macroeconomics focuses on the performance of the economy as a whole by providing an overall view of the economic system
of a country. This area of economics focuses on total production, income, spending, economic growth, employment and
unemployment, in�ation, price levels and the balance of payments.
International economics focuses on the �nancial �ows, exchange rates and differences in productive resources between
countries. It is also concerned with the role of institutions affecting transactions between countries. For example, international
economics looks at how a multinational company (for example Vodafone) investing in South Africa affects employment,
technology and skills transfer.
Development economics focuses on improving the economic, social and �scal conditions in developing countries. It also
highlights the differences between developed and developing countries, and how these differences can be mitigated.
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,Assessment 1: Attempt review
Question 5
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00
Thabo bought an iPhone 14 this week at one of the local malls. In which market did he purchase the phone?
a. factor market
b. local market
c. goods market
d. labour market
The goods and services are traded under the good market where buyers meet the sellers.
Question 6
Mark 2.00 out of 2.00
Have a look at the following information and answer the question below.
Suppose that a �rm is spending R49 million per month on salaries, which are allocated as follows:
Monthly Salaries - 2020 Monthly Salaries - 2021
CEO R 21 million R 22 million
Executives R 15 million R 16 million
Three thousand employees R 13 million R 14 million
Assume that the CEO spend 0.5%, while executives spend 2% and employees 65% of their monthly salaries on goods and
services in both years.
(Round off your answers to two decimals). Example on how you should type in your answers:
• For percentage answer: 1,55%
• For amount answer: 300,56
Suppose the 2021 monthly salary of the Three thousand employees was increased by 8%. Calculate the new monthly salary of
the employees. Type in your answer 15120000
Blank space. Move on to the next question.
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