Lesson plan
Name of teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
14/04.2023 Elementary Level 60 mins
Lesson type: Vocabulary
Lesson topic: Parts of the body
Lesson aims: Lesson outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
To correctly identify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of ten Exhibited comprehension of the meaning, form, and pronunciation of
new words related to bodily parts. 10 new vocabulary relating to body parts which will be presented to
To recognize and comprehend the terms in context, and employ them them in the form of visual aids i.e., realia, flashcard, gestures, and
effectively in sentences while speaking, such as "My hands are cold," choral drills.
as well as to be able to pinpoint the bodily component being Practiced using the new language to complete a gap-filling
mentioned. worksheet, in which they were tasked with selecting the appropriate
word from the ones provided to fill in the blanks and complete the
Target vocabulary: Developed fluency in their communication and natural use of the new
vocabulary by engaging in a discussion activity in which the students
Head, leg, foot, hand, back, ear, arm, eye, nose, mouth
talked about a time when they or a friend was sick or injured on their
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
, Lesson plan
1. Learners 1. At the outset of the lesson, remind the students that making errors is
Due to the predominance of men in this class, some female an integral part of the language acquisition process. If a student
students may feel intimidated and lack the confidence to makes a mistake, the teacher will take note and address them either
speak in front of their peers, which might hinder collectively or individually. Students' self-confidence should increase
participation. as a result, and no one will be singled out. Using whole-class teaching
can assist in eliminating barriers between male and female students.
2. L1 Encouraging collaboration helps to break the ice and eliminate
Due to the monolingual nature of the class, when students gender prejudice in the classroom.
experience challenges, they may resort to using their L1 to
discuss the issue. 2. Establish a list of rules at the outset of the lesson, one of which should
be that students should speak only English and explain to them why
3. Age this is beneficial to their language learning. If you notice your
Because of the age difference between the students, some of students reverting to their L1 again, remind them respectfully and
them may be familiar with some of the target words and find politely.
the lesson boring.
3. Students should be paired up or placed in mixed-age groups, and each
4. Level group member should have a task to complete. Another effective
Elementary level students may have a limited vocabulary in strategy for keeping things interesting is to ask older students to peer
the L2, which can make it difficult for them to understand the teach the younger students in the class. One's self-esteem and sense
meanings of new English words. of maturity might increase when they serve as role models for others.
5. Target Language 4. Make use of visual aids to help students understand and remember
new vocabulary. Provide a supportive and engaging learning
For Chinese learners, the English consonants /l/ and /r/ pose
environment, reinforce vocabulary with interactive exercises and
a unique challenge. This is because these sounds do not
games, and encourage students to practice using English in real-life
correspond to any sounds in Chinese. Chinese students may
situations to make learning more meaningful.
struggle to pronounce terms like "ear" and "legs" because
they are unable to distinguish between the two sounds,
making learning difficult. 5. Assist students by demonstrating to them physically how various
sounds are produced and by having them listen to minimal pairs of
sounds to help train their ears. It would also be helpful to play games
that make use of both sounds simultaneously. After you have
modelled the proper pronunciation, provide students enough
opportunity to practice it on their own.