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The field of curriculum, is a 20th century development in education that
a. developed independently of schooling.
b. closely parallel the development of schooling.
c. is simple and clear.
d. did not involve any theory.
The field of curriculum developed in the 20th century in close association with the growth
and development of schooling. As schools became more widespread and formalized,
educators and scholars began to pay greater attention to the content and organization of
the curriculum, leading to the development of a separate field of study focused on
curriculum design and development. This field continues to evolve and grow in response
to changes in educational practices and societal needs.
Peter Ramus was one if the earliest theorists to propose that curriculum
a. is not necessary in schools
b. is complex and interrelated
c. is a map of knowledge
d. is always constructivist
Peter Ramus was a 16th-century French philosopher and educational reformer who is
known for his work on the organization of knowledge. He proposed that knowledge should
be organized into a clear and structured system, much like a map, and that this system
should form the basis of the curriculum taught in schools. He believed that by presenting
knowledge in a logical and ordered way, students would be able to learn more effectively
and efficiently. This approach to curriculum design has influenced educational thinking for
centuries and is still relevant today.
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The four curriculum approaches and perspectives studied in the prescribed textbook are:
a. constructivism, interpretivism, critical and structuralism
b. constructivism, critical, ideological and ontological
c. critical, post-structuralism, interpretivist and modernist
d. positivist, interpretivist, critical and post-structuralism
Curriculum knowledge represents
a. a particular selection from a range of possible choices on that subject
b. all knowledge on that subject
c. the latest knowledge on the subject
d. knowledge from Google and Wikipedia only
Curriculum knowledge represents a particular selection from a range of possible choices
on a subject. It is not intended to be a comprehensive or exhaustive representation of all
knowledge on a subject. Rather, it is a deliberate and purposeful selection of knowledge
that is deemed to be most relevant, useful, and valuable for achieving the intended
educational goals and objectives. The selection of curriculum knowledge is shaped by a
variety of factors, including societal values, educational policies, teacher expertise, and
student needs and interests.
Curriculum knowledge is typically and incorrectly presented as
a. the same as everyday knowledge
b. pre-existing and verified by experts
c. fallibile and changing
d. created by ordinary people
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Extreme care has been used to create this document, however the contents are provided “as is” without
any representations or warranties, express or implied. The author assumes no liability as a result of
reliance and use of the contents of this document. This document is to be used for comparison, research
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