English 1514
Assignment 2
Name of student:
Student Number:
1.a. When a person first encounters a language, the communicative skills acquired include
listening and observing the language being spoken, as well as developing an understanding
of basic vocabulary and pronunciation.
1.b. Once a person has acquired a language, they can be taught additional communicative
skills such as speaking fluently, writing effectively, reading comprehension, and engaging in
meaningful conversations.
Remembering in the listening process refers to the ability to retain and recall information
heard, while responding involves actively reacting or answering in response to what was
heard. Remembering focuses on memory retention, whereas responding focuses on the
ability to provide a meaningful reaction or response.
3.a. Two aspects of reading that help in developing writing skills are vocabulary acquisition
and exposure to different writing styles.
3.b. Vocabulary acquisition through reading expands one's word bank and enables the use
of a wider range of words and expressions in writing. Exposure to different writing styles
helps develop an understanding of sentence structure, paragraph organization, and overall
writing conventions, which can be applied to one's own writing. These aspects of reading
contribute to the development of effective writing skills by enhancing vocabulary usage and
providing models of writing styles for imitation and inspiration.
4.i. Pre-reading: Pre-reading refers to the activities or strategies undertaken before actually
reading a text, such as previewing the content, activating prior knowledge, and setting
reading goals.
4.ii. While reading: While reading involves actively engaging with the text, comprehending
the information, making connections, and monitoring understanding through strategies like
highlighting, annotating, and asking questions.
4.iii. Post-reading: Post-reading activities are done after reading a text and involve reflecting
on the content, summarizing key points, evaluating the text's message or effectiveness, and
making connections to personal experiences or other texts.
Four components of critical reading are:
i. Analyzing the text: This involves examining the structure, style, and language used in the
text to understand its overall organization and message.