DUE DATE : 21-06-2023
MODULE CODE : 385151
Activity 1
1.1 Briefly explain the following concepts using your own understanding after reading
what literature says about them:
1.1.1 The Environment
1.1.2 Environmental education: Environmental education is the process of
recognizing values and clarifying concepts in order to develop skills and attitudes
necessary to understand and appreciate the interrelatedness among man, his culture
and his biophysical surroundings. Environmental education also entails practice in
decision making and self-formulation of a code of behaviour about issues concerning
environmental quality (IUCN, 1971: 17)
1.1.3 The Anthropocene: The Anthropocene is the name used to refer to the era in
which humankind has become a geological force. It is the Age of Humans, with
impacts of global proportions. The effects of the Anthropocene include such global
environmental crises as biodiversity loss, introduction and spread of alien invasive
species, and species extinction; environmental degradation, deforestation and
desertification; water, air and land pollution; health hazards; and climate change
, 1.1.4 Sustainability : Sustainability means meeting our own needs without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In addition
to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources. Sustainability is
not just environmentalism. Embedded in most definitions of sustainability we also
find concerns for social equity and economic development
1.1.5 The Holistic Environment: holistic concept of the environment embraces the
totality of our lived environment human (constructed, social, cultural, economic and
political), natural (biophysical), spatial (geographic context) and temporal (time-span
(see Smyth, 2006).
Activity 2
2.1 Mention five NGO principles of environmental education and discuss how you
can apply them in teaching an environmental education topic of your choice
Environmental topic: Pollution (land, air, water, noise)
NGO Principles Application of the NGO principles tothe
chosen topic
Examine major environmental issues I would create a slide show of the
from local, national, regional, and causes, effects, and conditions of
international points of view so that pollution from around the world.
students receive insight into
environmental conditions in other
geographic areas.
Focus on current and potential would arrange a trip to a communal
environmental situations while taking organization such as, Department of
into account the historical perspective Agriculture, Land Reform or Rural
Development or I would arrange for a
person for an organization such as
ground Work so that the leaners may do
an interview about waste and litter and