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MARKS: 100
This assessment is ELECTIVE and contributes 25% to your final
mark for this module. Answer ALL the questions.
Open date: 26 June 2023, 08:00.
Due date: 2 August 2023, 18:00.
1.1 Environmental education (EE) processes need to take into consideration the history
and context behind certain environmental issues and their implications for communities
and their lived context.
1.1.1 State any three environmental issues faced by the South African citizens. (3)
1.1.1 Three environmental issues faced by South African citizens are:
1 Climate Change: South Africa is experiencing the impacts of climate change, including
increased temperatures, changes in rainfall patterns, and more frequent extreme
weather events such as droughts and floods. These changes have significant
implications for agriculture, water resources, and biodiversity in the country.
2 Water Scarcity: South Africa faces water scarcity issues due to a combination of
factors, including a growing population, inadequate infrastructure, and changing climate
patterns. This scarcity of water affects various sectors such as agriculture, industry, and
households, leading to challenges in ensuring access to clean water for all citizens.
Land Degradation and Desertification: Certain regions of South Africa are prone to land
degradation and desertification, primarily due to unsustainable land management