Grade 12 Study Checklist
Map word techniques
Cross section
True bearing & magnetic bearing
Magnetic declination
Grid referencing
Speed distance time formula
Topographic Maps
Vertical exaggeration
Contours & Landforms
Aerial & Orthophoto
Identifying features
Comparing orthophoto to topographic
Cross section
Spatial & attribute data/ Vector & Raster data
Data concepts – remote sensing and resolution
Developing a GIS from existing maps – what layers would you use
Data sharing & security
Mid latitude Cyclones (MLCs)
General characteristics
Where are they found
Conditions needed for formation
Stages of development
Weather associated with each stage
Reading/interpreting synoptic charts and weather maps
Tropical Cyclones
General characteristics
Where are they found
Conditions needed for formation
Stages of development
Weather associated with each stage
Reading/interpreting synoptic charts and weather maps
Impact of TCs on humans and environment
Strategies to help prepare & manage
Subtropical Anticyclones (HP)
Location of HP cells in SA
General characteristics
Anticylconic air circulation & impact on SA weather
Travelling disturbances: moisture front, line thunderstorms, coastal low pressure, cut
off low & berg winds
Reading/interpreting synoptic charts and weather maps
Valley Climate
Micro climate: slope aspect, relief rainfall
Katabatic & Anabatic winds
Frost pockets
Radiation fog
Influence on human activities – settlement, farming
Urban Climate
Reasons for differences between rural and urban climate
Urban heat island – cause & effects
Pollution domes– cause & effects
Strategies to reduce heat island effect
Drainage systems in SA
NB concepts – drainage basin, catchment area, river system, watershed, tributary,
river mouth, source, confluence, water table, surface run off, ground water flow
Types of rivers – episodic, permanent, periodic, excotic
Drainage patterns – dentric, trellis, parallel, centripetal, deranged, radial, rectangular
Drainage density
Stream order & density
Discharge of river & hydrographs
Laminar flow & Turbulent flow
Fluvial Processes
River profile – transverse, longitudinal and relationship to different river stages
Fluvial landforms – oxbow, incised meander, floodplain, braided stream, levee,
waterfall, rapids, delta
Rejuvenation – reasons, resultant features
River capture – concepts of abstraction and river piracy, resultant features
Superimposed & antecedent drainage patterns
Catchment & River Management
Importance of managing drainage basins & catchment areas
Impact of people one drainage basins & catchment areas
Study of settlements
Concept of settlement
Site & Situation
Rural VS Urban Settlements
Classification - size, complexity, pattern & function
How site and situation affect the location
Classification according to pattern & function
Reasons for various shapes - linear, round, T-shaped, cross road
Land use
Rural Issues
Rural urban migration
Causes & consequences of RU migration on people & economy
Social injustice - access to resources & landreform
Origin and development
How site and situation affect the location
Classification according to pattern & function – CBD, trade & transport, break of bulk
points, specialised cities, junction towns, gateway towns
Urban Hierachies
Concepts – central place theory, threshold population, sphere of influence
Lower order & higher order functions, services & centres
Urban Structure & Patterns
Internal structure and patterns – land use zones, urban profile
Factors infl. shape of city
LEDC & MEDC and SA City
Changing urban patterns & Land use - gentrification, facadism
Urban Settlement Issues
Recent trends and patterns – eco estates, sustainable devp, new ruralism
Issues related to rapid urbanisation – lack of planning, housing shortage,
overcrowding, traffic
Growth of informal settlements and associated issues