, lOMoARcPSD|10086384
2021 – Oct/Nov
1) Which five major stages in the development of human communication are distinguished according to
different ‘ages’?
Consider the options below and identify the key containing the ages listed in the correct chronological order.
1. Writing, speech and language, electronic mass media, printing
2. Writing, printing, speech and language, electronic mass media
3. Speech and language, writing, printing, electronic mass media
4. Writing, speech and language, printing, electronic mass media
2) In the ancient times, people made vocal sounds and could communicate information about their environment
in various ways. Identify the key containing the most comprehensive means of communication.
1. Senses, sight, touch, cave paintings
2. Gestures, writing, speech, facial expressions
3. Cave paintings, posture, touch
4. Touch, grunts, senses, facial expressions
3) The development and use of paper resulted in a significant change for humans, because information could
now be recorded where it was previously conveyed through word of mouth.
Consider the options below, and indentify the key containing the correct chronological measures used to
record the earliest forms of writing up to the use of paper.
1. Cuneiform, animal skins, hieroglyphics, papyrus, parchment, paper
2. Hieroglyphics, cuneiform, animal skins, parchment, papyrus, paper
3. Animal skins, parchment, papyrus, hieroglyphics, cuneiform
4. Hieroglyphics, animal skins, papyrus, parchment, paper
4) Literacy came within reach of the masses during the age of
1. Writing
2. Print
3. Speech and language
4. The electronic mass media
5) During which era in the development of human communication, did people start to express their creativity in
the form of art?
1. Speech and language
2. Writing
3. Electronic mass media
4. Mass communication
6) Aretha Franklin, one of the world’s most renowned RnB and Soul singer passed away in August 2018. Many
people were filled with sadness, and wanted to pay tribute to the late pop star. Numerous radio stations
across the globe interviewed people, and asked why and how they would remember him. The purpose of
communication (from those interviewed) in this instance (even though the pop star was not personally known
to everyone interviewed) is to.
1. Give expression to an informed decision
2. Boost the sense of self
3. Satisfy a psychological need
4. Confirm a relationship with the actor
7) People use mass media for various reasons. A family watching a specific program on television do so with the
intention to relax and spend quality time together. They soon discover that their watching television together
is inhibiting their conversation. This negative effect of watching television together without communication
can be regarded as a/an ___ effect of communication.
1. Intentional
2. Decision making
3. Unintentional Downloaded by Rachel Magalefa ()
, lOMoARcPSD|10086384
4. Persuasive
8) According to Steinberg (2007/15) “[t]he most remarkable achievement of the 20th century was the ___ tabs
1. Speed with which communication developments occurred
2. Advent of electricity
3. Creation of the wired world
4. Development of print
9) Advertisers’ use (or misuse) specific holidays to make more money. One such example is for instance
Valentine’s Day, red roses are exceptionally expensive on Valentine’s Day and you are prepared to pay R300
00 for a bunch of red roses for your loved one on this day. The messaged displayed in advertisements at this
specific time of the year are directed towards our emotions which are associated with a basic need. The fact
that you are prepared to buy a bunch of red roses for your loved one at this price can (in terms of Packard’s
theory of needs) be associated with a need for
1. Love objects
2. Emotional security
3. Ego gratification
4. Assurance of worth
10) Interpersonal communication enables us to understand one another. It also provides information about
ourselves because by what people say or the way in which they respond to us, we develop a sense of who we
are and how people react to our behavior. We want people to respect us and many people expect public
recognition for what they do.
In terms of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a sound sense of self and the enhancement of respect for others and
self-respect address our needs related to
1. Esteem
2. Decision making
3. Sense of self
4. Persuasion
11) Consider the list below, and identify the key which illustrates the correct similarities between the needs of
Maslow and Packard.
A. Need for security and Packard’s need for immortality
B. Social needs and Packard’s ego gratification
C. Need for esteem and Packard’s need for love objects
D. Need for safety and Packard’s need for reassurance of worth
1. a b c
2. b d
3. b c d
4. a b c d
12) A number of violent killings of women have rocked South Africa lately. In a recent incident a young woman
was necklaced and murdered by her partner in Cape Town. This has upset the whole country and a number of
researchers have then decided to take action. The researchers have involved the entire community, and a
questionnaire is to be distributed to every household of this particular township. The nature of this research to be
conducted here will be ___ research.
1. Experimental
2. Survey
3. Historical
4. Ethnographic
13. Various warnings for the spread of the Cholera virus were made world-wide after Cyclone Idai hit Mozambique
and Malawi in March 2019. People across the world were warned not to travel to these countries in which the
cholera virus was evident. In terms of Packard’s needs, this information reflects a need for…
1. A sense of power
2. Emotional security
3. Immortality Downloaded by Rachel Magalefa ()
, lOMoARcPSD|10086384
4. Ego gratification
14) Most shopping centers’ have parking bays reserved for people with disabilities. The sticker displaying a
wheelchair in a car window represents a ___ and indicated that the owner or driver of that vehicle has a disability.
1. Code
2. Sign
3. Channel
4. Medium
15) Many academics at universities write books which are prescribed to different courses and modules all over the
world. The presentation of messages by means of publications implies that these authors are ___ messages.
1. Accepting
2. Decoding
3. Receiving
4. Encoding
16) Which theorist/s believed that the channel used during communication was the most important aspect for
successful communication?
1. Shannon and Weaver
2. Schramm
3. Lasswell
4. Lasswell and Schramm
17. Your entire office has to attend a presentation made by a colleague whom you do not admire at all. Due to
your dislike for this person, you hardly pay any attention to the presentation. Your lack of paying attention is
caused by…
1. Your frame of reference
2. Internal noise
3. Semantic noise
4. External noise
18) Lasswell was of the opinion that the purpose of communication was to persuade the recipient to adopt a
specific point of view. It therefore had to be ensured that the correct person conveyed the message through a
medium which was most efficient. Reason being that in terms of Lasswell’s communication model, the
communication was regarded as being…
1. A transaction
2. Interpersonal
3. A Linear process
4. An interactive process
19) was/were the first communication theorist(s) to recognize that
A. Participants had to share a common frame of reference
B. Participants needed to actively encode, transmit, receive, decode and respond during a communication
C. Messages could have more than one meaning
D. Both content and meaning of messaged were important to ensure successful communication
1. Lasswell
2. Shannon and Weaver
3. Schramm
4. Shannon
20) A dynamic view of communication regards the communication process as constantly being in motion, because
messages are travelling between parties who are actively involved in exchanging meaning and creating
relationships. These characteristics relate to the ___ view of communication.
1. Meaning-centered
2. Transactional
3. Technical
4. Circular
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