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October/November 2021
Health Education
100 marks
Duration: 3 hours
QR Code: 7ff2e125
This paper consists of four (4) pages.
This examination paper consists of FOUR (4) compulsory questions.
Question 1: 25 marks
Question 2: 25 marks
Question 3: 25 marks
Question 4: 25 marks
Total: 100 marks
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• Answer all the questions in English.
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Question 1.1.
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QR CODE: 7ff2e125 2 HEC101V
Oct/Nov 2021
1.1 Emotional development and health are two aspects of children's ability to
understand and control their moods and feelings. Name emotional reactions that
the following children may express in their emotional development:
a. An ill child
b. A hungry child
c. An obese child
d. A tired child
e. An overprotected child. (5)
Read the case study and answer questions 1.2 and 1.3.
Hlogi is a ten-year-old girl living with her mother, a single parent. Hlogi spends most
of her time watching television or playing computer games rather than playing
outside. Her mother is studying for a postgraduate degree to improve her
qualifications, employment prospects and her wages at her present employment.
When Hlogi is hungry, she snacks on potato chips, biscuits, orange squash and
occasionally a banana – the only food she likes. Her mother does not mind because
Hlogi's snacking, and being confined to the house, works in her favour. During this
time, her mother manages to write her assignments and she knows that by the time
she needs to prepare meals, Hlogi will be full. When Hlogi's mother prepares meals,
they are usually pre-packaged meals, which are high in saturated fats and
carbohydrates. Hlogi has gained weight and is the only overweight learner in her
class. Other children ridicule her and have nicknamed her "Mama Fatty". As a result,
she has started to isolate herself from her peers.
1.2 Which factors may detriment Hlogi's health? Briefly explain why they have a
negative impact on her. (8)
1.3 Imagine you are in Hlogi's mom's situation of studying. You are aware of how
much your daughter is stressing about her weight due to unhealthy eating.
Discuss the key elements that you need to focus on for your child to be healthy. (12)
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, Stuvia.com - The study-notes marketplace
QR CODE: 7ff2e125 3 HEC101V
Oct/Nov 2021
2.1 Like other forms of pollution, noise is not just a nuisance, it can harm people's
health. Noise pollution is created, amongst other ways, by transportation, industry
and loud music. Mention any two effects of noise pollution due to loud sounds. (2)
2.2 It has previously been reported that the ship transporting oil tankers spilt in the
ocean and that oil was floating all over the surface. List three effects that may
negatively impact marine life. (3)
2.3 You are staying in a community where hunting and deforestation are still highly
prevalent. You are worried and decided to have a meeting where you will
concientise people about the effects of such an activity. Explain the key elements
that may have some detrimental effects due to hunting and deforestation. (12)
2.4 Distinguish between the concepts "the greenhouse effect" and "deforestation".
Provide practical examples for each concept. (8)
3.1 If you were the President of South Africa, and you were responsible to protect
the country against the Covid-19 pandemic, what would have been your policy
priorities in terms of health and education. Discuss this with relevant evidence
and theory. (10)
3.2 Every accident has some physical and psycho-social effects for the victims and
their families. The victims of home or school accidents can suffer stress, loss of
earning capacity and productivity. List some procedures that can be implemented
to ensure children's safety at school. (10)
3.3 Mention five typical injuries that may result in both pain and longer-term health
problems for the children and their families. (5)
4.1 Diseases are distinguished according to their stages. Provide a suitable stage
for each disease explanation:
a) Early symptoms of the body's reactions such as headache, fever and
b) Appearance of the distinct symptoms specific to the disease.
c) Disappearance of symptoms.
d) Subsiding of the symptoms.
e) From invasion of the pathogen to initial observation of general symptoms. (5)
4.2 Write on the current health crisis caused by Covid-19 and compare it with
previous similar epidemics, such as HIV/AIDS and the Spanish flu. (6)
4.3 Plan and write a lesson on children's experiences with death for your Grade 7
class. Use the template as an exemplar to design an age-appropriate lesson. (14)
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