PACK 2023
For queries or any assignment help
, lOMoARcPSD|10935195
Question 1
In the goods market of the circular flow model, ….
1) firms buy factors of production from consumers
2) firms buy finished products from households
3) consumers buy factors of production from firms
4) firms sell factors of production to the government
5) consumers buy finished products from firms The correct alternative is [5].
In the goods market of the circular flow model, consumers receive income in the
form of salaries and wages, interest, rent and profit and use this income to purchase
finished consumer goods and services.
Question 2
In the factor market, … .
1) a student buys lunch at a local university cafeteria.
2) the South African Defence Force buys machine guns from a weapons
3) a retirement fund buys shares in a major company
4) a farmer buys farmland from a retiring farmer The correct alternative is [4].
5) a welder buys a personal computer from an electronics store
A factor market is a market where factors of production such as labour, land and
capital are traded. Therefore, in this case only the sale of land (i.e. farmland) will
occur in a factor market.
Question 3
In the circular flow of income and spending, … .
1) investment results in a decrease in the volume of the income flow
2) taxes result in an increase in the volume of the income flow
3) imports result in an increase in the volume of the income flow
4) savings result in a decrease in the volume of the income flow The correct
alternative is [4].
In the circular flow of income and spending, savings, taxes and imports are called
leakages or withdrawals since they result in a decrease in the volume of the income
flow, whereas investment spending and government expenditure and exports are all
injections into the circular flow since they result to an increase in the volume of the
income flow.
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, lOMoARcPSD|10935195
Question 4
Which one of the following statements is correct?
1) Flows (2) and (3) represent income.
2) Flows (2) and (4) represent spending.
3) Flows (1) and (2) represent spending.
4) Flows (1) and (3) represent spending. The correct alternative is [4].
In the circular flow of income and spending, households supply factors of production
to firms and in turn receive income which they spend on goods and services offered
by firms (Flow 3). Their spending represents the income to firms. Firms spend some
of their income to pay wages to households for their services, interest for the use of
capital and rent for the use of their land (Flow 1).
Question 5
1) capital, wealth and income are stock variables, whereas investment and profit
are flow variables
2) capital, wealth and gold reserves are stock variables, whereas investment,
profit and loss are flow variables The correct alternative is [2].
3) investment, income and profit are stock variables, whereas capital, wealth and
natural resources are flow variables
4) capital, wealth and population size are stock variables, as are investment,
profit and savings
Capital, wealth and gold reserves are stock variables since they have no time
dimension and can only be measured at a specific moment. Whereas investment,
profit and loss are flows since they have a time dimension and can only be
measured over a period.
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