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2 PYC3705 Transformative Counselling Encounters – Exam Preparations
2018 May / June Exam Paper 2
Question 1
The unique aspects of Transformatory Counselling highlighted in the Transformative Counselling
Encounters study guide are
a) Holistic understanding of oneself and setting long term goals.
b) Awareness of personal strengths and abilities
c) Unburdening oneself
d) Gaining a new perspective of the same situation
The correct answer is
1. (a) & (d)
2. (b) & (c)
3. (a), (b) & (c)
4. All of the above
Answer: The correct answer is 4
Refer: Tutorial Letter 202/2/2017
Reasoning: The unique aspects of Transformatory Counselling highlighted in the Transformative
Counselling Encounters study guide are:
— An orientation towards understanding purposeful encounters between
people through meaningful engagement in a counselling framework;
— A sensitivity towards the ethos (characteristics, tone and flavour) of context-
appropriate counselling and understanding its potential to enhance
humaneness and well-being in society;
— An understanding of reflexivity (awareness, adaptation) as a tool that can
enhance purposeful and meaningful engagement and become a tool
towards self-and social transformation; an understanding of the world as a
set of related systems and recognising that problem-solving contexts do not
exist in isolation, and;
— An understanding of the language of process and its potential to evoke a
deeper understanding of relational patterns and dynamics in counselling
It also creates an opportunity for the client to gain a deeper understanding of their
own potential to make a difference in their personal life.
Therefore, counselling involve a professional listening to the client and should
provide a safe, sympathetic, accepting environment in which a client can unburden
him/herself of problems and become better acquainted with their thoughts, feelings
and beliefs.
To come up with a new approach to an old problem, we often need to look at the
problem differently. Counsellors can assist a client to see his/her situation more
accurately (change perspective on the problem). It is through the use of these skill
that the counsellor and client form a partnership in finding solutions. It is
emphasised in Transformative counselling that the act of helping the client is to see
things more clearly, possibly from a different view-point and creates an opportunity
for the client to gain a deeper understanding of their own potential to make a
difference in their personal life. It therefore is not preferable to help the client only
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3 PYC3705 Transformative Counselling Encounters – Exam Preparations
to see the same problem in a new perspective without making him/her aware of
his/her potential to approach the problem from a different view-point.
Question 2
Providing equality of resources and opportunity for all people upholds the ethical principle of ___.
1. veracity
2. autonomy
3. beneficence
4. justice
Answer: The correct answer is 4
Refer: Tutorial Letter 202/2/2017
Reasoning: The study guide suggests that clinical and counselling psychologists (and by
implication counsellors) need to take into account more than just the ‘traditional
values’ of personal growth, protection of health, and caring and compassion. They
suggest attention to group and collective aspects of well-being: diversity,
collaboration, support for community infrastructures, and social justice. This can be
done by emphasising personal, relational and collective values to avoid
disempowerment by blaming an individual, a family or a group.
Value: Social Justice
Ethical Principle: Counsellors challenge social injustice.
Counsellors pursue social change, particularly with and on behalf of vulnerable and
oppressed individuals and groups of people. These activities seek to promote
sensitivity to and knowledge about oppression and cultural and ethnic diversity.
Counselling must strive to ensure access to needed information, services, and
resources; equality of opportunity; and meaningful participation in decision making
for all people.
Question 3
The study unit on surveying life within the cracks teaches us ___.
1. that by nature, human beings do not have the desire to solve their own problems hence a
constant pool towards failing within the cracks
2. to think about people's experiences of pain, suffering and strive from the context which they
are part of
3. to sympathise better with our clients
4. that we will not be able to solve our clients' problems unless we succeed in identifying
pathological patterns in their behaviour
Answer: The correct answer is 2
Refer: Tutorial Letter 202/2/2017
Reasoning: The study unit on surveying life within the cracks teaches us:
• be sensitive to contextual cues and understand that counselling and
counselling-related processes happen in context;
• see counselling as a way of being in relationship to others;
• understand the importance of having a frame of reference, and
• see the importance of language as a connective device that can enhance
counselling encounters and counselling-related processes.
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4 PYC3705 Transformative Counselling Encounters – Exam Preparations
Question 4
Which of the following is not considered one of the three essential counsellor attributes for building
the therapeutic relationship?
1. Congruence
2. Open questioning
3. Unconditional positive regard.
4. Empathy
Answer: The correct answer is 2
Refer: PYC3705 Study Guide, pg. 64
Reasoning: Option 2 refers to an essential micro-skill, while options 1, 3 and 4 refers to essential
Among other things, the counsellor’s warmth, congruence, empathy and non-
judgemental and unconditionally accepting attitude towards the client are of great
Question 5
The following statement by the counsellor is an example of what skill?
Client· What's the point in trying to stop using, I always relapse sooner or later
Counsellor "You don't see the benefit of stopping at the moment"
1. Summarising.
2. Paraphrase
3. Reflection
4. Reframe
Answer: The correct answer is 2
Refer: PYC3705 Study Note 3
Reasoning: Reflecting feelings is putting words to feelings observed in the client, while
paraphrasing is conveying the same meaning in different words. Note that the
counsellor’s response does not add any new content (a feeling) to what the client
said, therefore option 2 is the correct answer.
Question 6
Which of the following responses is a reflection of feeling for the statement?
"The future looks good since I have stopped using alcohol?
1. 'You are anticipating some good times ahead of you now"
2. "That sounds great"
3. 'You have done well"
4. "Things are working out for you now"
Answer: The correct answer is 1
Refer: PYC3705 Study Note 3
Reasoning: When reflecting feelings to your client:
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