Naming and Erasure - in the novel some situations or characters are written, others only referred to or otherwise not written but nonetheless
In English Experience Talk, Ndlovu says,
The role of ambiguity is allowed to give the reader an opportunity to imagine. By not showing or describing a situation like Genie’s rape,
readers are forced to engage with it, ask questions, it is not as easy of a disconnect because it is not straightforward, we have to sit in the
discomfort a little longer.
Imogen Zula Nyoni/ Genie ● “Imogen Zula…Genie” p.26 ● A genie is a spirit in Arabian folklore,
● “...a truth that she did not want to traditionally imprisoned within a bottle
acknowledge - that one could come or oil lamp, and capable of granting
into this world, live a life (full, empty, wishes when summoned. Other than
contented, unfulfilled) and leave it this imagery of her being from a
without a trace.” golden egg, which one can parallel to
the image of a gold oil lamp. Imogen
throughout the novel has this ability to
bring a sense of magic, and
impossibility to other characters’ lives.
● Genie wishes and hopes more than
anything to not live a life which is
easily erased, she believes with
conviction that as a daughter of
parents who could fly, she is capable
of the impossible, capable of making
an impact on others.
Blue ● “There was absolutely no trace of her ● The theme of erasure is shown
in the house.” p.170 through this mystery “true matriarch
● “What had her original name been - of the De Villiers clan”; with little trace
the name she responded to as a about her in The House That Jack
child, the name she had held long Built, except the slippers Genie
before she crossed paths with supposes to be hers, it is almost as if
Jakob?” p.171 her life was insignificant, married to a
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, white man, perhaps she was scorned
upon due to stigma towards mixed
relationships, nevertheless it seems
so unsatisfactory to know nothing
about her. It raises the importance of
acknowledging and keeping
memories of the past.
Jesus / Vida ● “moffie” ● Although Vida was named with a
● “content and fulfilled and completed.” derogatory term by bullies, his father
● “It was a charmed life” reminds him that there is no shame in
● “He had had no idea that life could be his sexuality, and this part of him did
so devastating” not need to be erased despite what
● “He was determined to live a life that others thought. “There are many
would make love impossible.” ways to be a man. Always remember
● “a bum, a vagrant, a vagabond, a that,”
derelict, a homeless person, a stray” ● Vida in the Spanish language, means
● “He let the world pass him by” “life” and and before Rosamond
● “He did what he did as a way of passed away and Vida joined the war,
establishing his place in the world, of he certainly did live life to the fullest,
giving his life meaning.” but such a loss and in a brutal and
● “Truly postcolonial artist” harsh environment he became
determined to stop loving, and in
doing so stop living.
● He then became Jesus, and in this
life he allowed himself to become
detached from everyone and
everything, but Genie recognized
something “special” about him, and
that was his ability to create statues
from scrap metal. This art gave his
life a different and positive meaning, it
also gave other characters a different
life, when considering the street
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