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JUNE / JULY 2021
Date: 05 July 2021
Duration: 2 hours
Total marks: 100
First: Dr B. Chipangura
Second: Dr L. Motsi
External: Dr P. Nkomo
This is a closed book examination.
Instructions to students
1. Unisa examination policies apply.
2. Answer all questions.
3. Study the tables and data in Annexure A.
4. The marks for each question are given in brackets next to the question.
5. Please answer the questions in order. If you want to do a question later, leave a blank
6. Pocket calculators are not allowed.
7. Pledge that you have neither given nor received aid on this examination (You must respond
to this pledge when submitting your assignment.)
8. After writing the exam, upload your answer sheet in PDF format on myUnisa as per
instructions provided to you in Exam Tutorial letter. Do not add any other form of
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9. Students who do not submit their answer sheets within the scheduled session time will be
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2 INF3720
Question 1 10 marks
1.1 Which Oracle Database management system is prescribed for this module? (2 marks)
1.2 How do you login as the system administrator on the Oracle SQL*plus interface? Provide the code.
(2 marks)
1.3 After you have successfully installed Oracle database, how do you open the pluggable databases so
that they can automatically open? (4 marks)
1.4 By default, Oracle pluggable databases remain closed and must be opened manually or set to
automatically open. Which Oracle 18c XE service must you configure to do that? (2 marks)
Question 2 40 marks
Assume that a table named MyTable exist in your database. MyTable has five columns Col#, Col1, Col2,
Col3 and Col4.
-------- ------ ---------
Col# NOT NULL Number Primary key
2.1 Write an SQL statement that enables you to view the structure of MyTable. (2 marks)
2.2 Write an SQL statement that allows you to see the data contained in all the columns of MyTable.
(3 marks)
2.3 MyTable contains some columns that are marked as unused. Write an SQL code that drops all the
columns marked as unused. (4 marks)
2.4 All the data entered into MyTable is not correct. Write an SQL code that deletes the data from the
table but leaving it intact. (3 marks)
2.5 You realised that Col1 and Col4 are too small to accommodate large variables, write an SQL code
that increases the size of Col1 from 2 to 17 and Col4 from 10 to 25. (5 marks)
2.6 Insert data into three columns of MyTable, by populating Col1, Col2 and Col4 with values A, B and
D in that order. Do not insert any data into Col3, store a null value. (5 marks)
2.7 If the primary key of this table was created with the following statement:
What output do you expect after inserting the following data into MyTable? Explain your answer.
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3 INF3720
Insert into MyTable (Col#, Col1, Col2, Col3, Col4) value (001, ‘A’, ‘B’,
‘C’,’D’); (2 marks)
2.8 You created a sequence that generated some numbers for Col3 of MyTable. The sequence is as
Create sequence seq1
Increment by 10
Maxvalue 200
After generating some numbers from the sequence a few times, you want to reinitialize the sequence so
that it can reuse the numbers already generated.? Write an SQL code to achieve that. (5 marks)
2.9 Create a bitmap index on MyTable to speed up queries for searching information based on Col2.
Verify that the index exists. Delete the index (11 marks)
Question 3 19 marks
JustLee Books has recently hired a temporary salesman. The name of the new employee is John. The
login credential for John should expire at the end of his contract. As a salesperson, John should be granted
some object privileges on the JustLee Books database.
3.1 Create the user John with a password that expire, with the role of Sales_person. (5 marks)
3.2 As a salesperson, John has full responsibility for the CUSTOMERS table of the JustLee Books. Grant
John object privileges to perform any activity on the customers table and rights to grant the privileges to
other users. (4 marks)
3.3 John approached you on a Monday morning and reported that he does not remember his password.
Reset John’s password. (3 marks)
3.4 Write a query to view all privileges that are assigned to the Sales_person role. (4 marks)
3.5 The contract for John has expired, revoke the Sales_person privilege granted to John and remove his
user account. (3 marks)
Question 4 31 marks
This question refers to the JustLee Books, see Annexure A for the structure of the tables
4.1 Determine which books customer Jake Lucas purchased. Perform the search using the customer
name, not the customer number. If he has purchased multiple copies of the same book, duplicate the
results. Generate the report using the (JOIN…..USING) keywords. (10 marks)
4.2 Determine, which orders had a higher total amount due more than order 1008. Use subqueries to
answer the question. (10 marks)
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