EED2601 Assignment 3
2023 (386989)
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1.1 Environmental education (EE) processes need to take into consideration the history and context
behind certain environmental issues and their implications for communities and their lived context.
1.1.1 State any three environmental issues faced by the South African citizens. (3)
Three environmental issues faced by South African citizens are:
1. Water scarcity: South Africa experiences periodic droughts, which result in water scarcity
in many regions of the country. This issue affects both rural and urban communities,
leading to limited access to clean and safe drinking water for households, agriculture,
and industrial use.
2. Biodiversity loss: South Africa is known for its rich biodiversity, but it faces significant
challenges in conserving its unique ecosystems and species. Factors such as habitat
destruction, invasive species, pollution, and illegal wildlife trade contribute to the loss of
biodiversity, impacting the ecological balance and the livelihoods of communities
dependent on natural resources.
3. Air pollution: Rapid industrialization, urbanization, and the burning of fossil fuels
contribute to air pollution in South Africa. Major cities like Johannesburg and Durban
often experience high levels of air pollution, posing health risks to the population.
Industrial emissions, vehicle exhausts, and coal-fired power plants are among the
primary sources of air pollution.
1.1.2 Discuss the implications of the above-mentioned environmental challenges. (6)
The implications of the above-mentioned environmental challenges are as follows:
Water scarcity leads to reduced access to safe drinking water, which can result in health
issues, increased poverty, and reduced agricultural productivity. It also creates conflicts
over water resources between different sectors and communities.
Biodiversity loss has ecological and socio-economic implications. Ecologically, it disrupts
the functioning of ecosystems, leading to the loss of important ecosystem services such
as pollination, nutrient cycling, and water regulation. Socio-economically, it affects
communities dependent on natural resources, such as indigenous peoples and rural
populations, who rely on ecosystems for their livelihoods and cultural practices.
Air pollution poses significant health risks, including respiratory diseases, cardiovascular
problems, and increased mortality rates. It also has environmental consequences, such
as the degradation of air quality, harm to vegetation, and the formation of smog. Air
pollution impacts the quality of life for individuals and can result in increased healthcare
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