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Visual art for young children:
Define creativity:
Having the power or quality to express yourself in your own way. It is a process of realizinf problems
and explanations in the provided knowledge, creating ideas and assumptions, testing assumptions
and reaching to results, thus producing something new and thinking out of the box.
Characteristics of creativity/steps to the creative process:
preparation – acquisition of skills, techniques and information
concentrated effort- to find a solution or suitable form
withdrawal from the problem
insight or illumination
verification, evaluation and elaboration.
The creativity process:
1. Inspiration: A child is inspired through nature or an event, an idea that occurred out
of nowhere.
2. Percolation: Refining ideas through sketches/playing around with ideas visually. The
child can have an idea for a long time before creating a piece of art.
3. preparation: More active and focused time. The child has settled on inspirations and
figuring out how to make it happen. Includes- time spent obtaining and organising
supplies, creating a blue print, making roughs or dummy outline.
4. Creation: Finalised path of making art. The child starts creating. The process of
creation various from chilld to child depended on their temperament/artistic style, for
example, simple line drawing = short and much of work has been done in previous
phases ; detailed painting = some children spend hours/days/weeks refining perfect
light on realistically painted flower petal in oil.
5. Reflection: After creation a child might discover a slight error or have doubts about
the creation. It can be shared with family, friends, client or hang on the the wall. Some
artists experience low-grade depression and others relief.
The role of the teacher to encourage creativity/art in young children:
To encourage fluency through questions such as, suggest as many as possible uses for
common objects or to think of different objects, for example, in the shape of a circle, things
that are red etc.
Encourage learner’s curiousity, sensitivity and sense of observation through to ask them to
look outside the classroom window to see certain things such as, things that are circular etc.
The teacher can use “brainstorming” to get as many ideas as possible.
Teachers should not critize children’s ideas
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Encourage on combining and improving on ideas, ask chidlren to solve problems.
Do not worry by overlapping ideas. When ideas are all in, let the group pick one idea.
To encourage imagination and creativity ask them what would happen if we had no hands,
could not smell, if the earth were flat etc.
For fun and creativity the teacher can have the class scribble stories.
Define art:
The human expression of aesthetic experience. Art is the globally a creative activity involving a variety
of efforts/disciplines from a wide cultural infrastructure, for example, painting, ceramics, music, dance,
sulpture, drama, literature etc.
Name the components of art:
1. aesthetic perception – impression
2. creative expression – interpretation of action
3. historical/cultural heritage – exposure to art from around the world
4. aesthetic valuing – appreciation
What is holistic development of art in young children?
It considers the interrelationship of the various aspects of a child’s development: physical, emotional,
cognitive, perceptual motor, creative and moral/spiritual. Concept that sees every child as a whole
person. It also considers the child as a person who wants to learn, sees set task as a meaningful
whole, and sees the whole as greater than the sum of its individual tasks/experiences.
Benefits/importance of art to young children:
1. Art develops children’s motor skills
2. Art helps children to appreciate numeracy
3. Art helps to reduce stress among the economically disadvantaged
4. Art builds children’s self-esteem by giving them the autonomy to express themselves
5. Art builds the creative side of the brain.
How can handwork positvely affect the young child in the classroom?
Stimulate the motor activity to the realm of skill and transform willpower into forms of beauty.
Explain nthe following terms, art in the classroom has the following positive processes and
outcomes for children:
Constructive thinking – The child has to figure out how to use certain art material to
produce a constructive outcome. Problem-solving tasks triggers a child’s constructive thinking
abilities, for example, pottery, the teacher may grant the child to think constructively how to
model a clay pot lid.
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