Assignment B - PPP Grammar Lesson Table: First Conditional
✓ NB: Look at the model provided and make sure you understand what MFP refer to here. See Units 2 and 7. For example, in number 4 in
the table below, we do NOT mean 'What is the function of the lesson'!!!
1. What is the target form of the first conditional Affirmative form:
(both clauses)? (F)
If + Present Simple, S + will + future simple
2. What is the model sentence you will elicit to If it is warm, I will go for a walk.
begin your presentation?
3. What are the negative and question Model sentence in negative form: If it is not (isn’t) warm, I will not (won’t) go for a walk.
(interrogative) forms of your model sentence?
(You might find there is more than one possibility, Form: If + it is not (isn’t) + Present Simple + S + will not (won’t) + future simple
but you only need to show one negative and one
question, then analyse the forms.) Model sentence in question form: What will you do if it is not (isn’t) warm?
Form: Question word + will + S + base verb + if + present simple
4. What is the function? (M) The first condition is used to talk about something that could possibly happen in the future
(and likely will) if something else happens.
5. What do students need to know about the Pronunciation: People who speak Spanish tend to struggle with vowel sounds They would
pronunciation, including sentence stress and also struggle with certain consonants and consonant clusters such as the ‘th’ sound, and
intonation? (P) contractions, to remedy this I will do choral drills, focusing on difficult contractions that are
(Think only about how the model sentence present in the first conditional such as ‘I’ll’, I will have the students listen to me saying
would normally be said.) sentences and repeating them, practicing the contractions. I will give extra focus on the
vowels, stressing them in the sentence and having the learners repeat this.
Sentence stress: Spanish is syllable-timed, and this means Spanish speakers tend to use the
same amount of time for each syllable, the issue is that this causes learners to struggle with
identifying important words and which syllables to stress. To remedy this, I will use the
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, example sentence “If it is warm, I will go for a walk.” I will do choral repetition and copying
drills to help the students get used to and learn the stress.
Intonation: Due to struggling with stress, the learners will likely sound flat when speaking
which is common for Spanish English speakers. This means learners will have to know that in
English, when you speak your voice will rise and fall, I will demonstrate this with our
example sentence, and show the learners that the voice rises in the first clause and falls
while saying the word, “warm” this makes it possible for the voice to rise again when
starting the second clause, the voice with then gradually fall until the sentence is complete.
I will do repetition drills and have the learners copy and say the sentence with me until they
are confident in their intonation.
6. What is the context I will use to introduce the To introduce students to the first conditional, I will use the sentence, “If it is warm, I will go
form? (M) for a walk” from the warmer activity. The sentence would be split into two in the warmer
activity (It is warm. And I go for a walk.), which the learners would match together. In the
presentation’s activity, the learners will elicit the first conditional from the two sentences.
7. How will I try to elicit the first conditional from I will use a sentence from the warmer, showing pictures of a sequence, a girl thinking of
the students? going for a walk, then considering if it will be warm or cold, and then thinking she will walk
if it is warm. I will then, through guided discussion, ask the learners questions. I would ask:
1. What does the girl want to do? (Go for a walk)
2. What are the two things that could happen? (It could be cold or warm)
3. From the flashcards activity earlier, there are two matching sentences to the
pictures, what are the two sentences? (‘It is warm.’ And ‘I go for a walk.’)
4. If something might happen, what word do we use? (if)
5. Is it decided that it will be cold or warm? (No)
6. If it is warm, what will she do? (Go for a walk)
7. If it is cold, what will she do? (Not go for a walk)
8. It happens to be sunny, how will this guide her decision? (She will definitely go for a
9. What happened first, did she go for the walk or think about the weather? (Think
about the weather)
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