, Write an essay in which you discuss other forms of this type of colonialism, and
how they differed from each other in the 19th century.
Contexts to consider: Belgium Congo, The Cape (South Africa), and German
Namibia in the 19th century……
In the late 1800s, different types of colonialism started appearing, each affecting the
places they took over in their own ways. Some examples include the Belgian Congo, the
Cape Colony in South Africa, and German Namibia. These colonial adventures had their
own unique traits and ways of doing things, which were influenced by the specific history,
politics, and economy of the countries doing the colonizing.
Belgium's takeover of the Congo was particularly harsh. King Leopold II ran the Congo
Free State like his own business, aiming to make himself rich by taking things like ivory
and rubber. The things he did to make money were awful, like making people work against
their will, hurting them, and even killing them in large numbers. This kind of colonialism
was all about being ruthless and didn't care about the Congolese people, causing a lot of
pain and death.
On the other hand, in the Cape Colony in South Africa, things were different. There, British
and Dutch influences shaped how things were done. While there were still some ideas of
taking care of people in a fatherly way and men being in charge, it was more complicated.
The Cape Colony had many different kinds of people living together, like European
settlers, indigenous Khoisan people, and enslaved Africans. Slavery was a big part of how
things worked, but it wasn't the only thing deciding who had power. The British
government tried to make rules about how work was done and pretended to be like fathers
to the people they controlled, although they didn't always do a good job
German colonization of Namibia, then known as German South-West Africa, followed a
different trajectory influenced by imperial ambitions and settler colonialism. German
colonial authorities implemented policies aimed at dispossessing indigenous peoples of
their land and resources, often through violent means. The Herero and Namaqua
genocide, perpetrated by German forces in the early 20th century, stands as one of the
most brutal episodes of colonial violence in Africa. German colonialism in Namibia was
characterized by racial hierarchy, land expropriation, and the marginalization of indigenous
Continuing the exploration of colonialism in the 19th century, it's essential to delve deeper
into the specific mechanisms and consequences of each colonial venture. In the Belgian
Congo, the exploitation of natural resources was not only driven by economic interests but
also fueled by racial ideologies that justified the subjugation of African peoples as inferior.