EMA1501 Assignment 2 (COMPLETE
ANSWERS) 2023 (698018)
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Assignment 2 2023
Unique Number: 698018
Due Date: 6 June 2023
1. Bruner’s theory focuses on levels of knowing and operates on three levels,
that is, enactive, iconic and symbolic levels.
1.1. Discuss the three types of knowledge and provide an example of each.
Do not use the examples in the study guide, create your own. (9)
1.2. Generate a three-column table where you evaluate how learning takes
place according to:
1.3. Young children learn mathematics informally through a wide variety of
play experiences. Name and give examples with illustrations (drawings
or pictures) of any three (3) types of play from the six you learnt about
and discuss how each of the three types of play contributes to the
development of mathematics concepts in children.
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Bruner’s theory focuses on levels of knowing and operates on three levels, that is,
enactive, iconic and symbolic levels.
1.1. Discuss the three types of knowledge and provide an example of each. Do not
use the examples in the study guide, create your own. (9)
Enactive knowledge is derived from the physical manipulation of objects and the child’s
own movement. This involves all that the young child is doing, for example sorting or
counting objects. Examples of enactive learning is moving around in the class to touch
something that has the same shape as, say, a box, or children using their fingers to count.
Iconic knowledge involves mental operations where the child uses representations of
concrete objects, for example, using pictures thereof. The emphasis here is on visual and
perceptual information (Schultz, Colarusso & Strawderman 1989). An example of this kind
of knowledge is when children are provided with a picture of three butterflies and are asked
to draw a flower for each butterfly.
Symbolic knowledge refers to the ability to use abstract symbols. The goal in
mathematics is to reach the highest level of symbolic knowledge. This means that the child
will start off by counting 2 real apples (enactive), then be able to count 2 pictures of apples
(iconic), and then eventually use number symbols to represent 1 + 1 = 2
1.2. Generate a three-column table where you evaluate how learning takes place
according to:
Piaget Vygotsky Bruner
Piaget believed that Vygotsky believed that Jerome Bruner’s Theory of
learning proceeded by the learning happens in three Development is based on
interplay of assimilation different stages: cognitive, the assumption that we
(adjusting new experiences motoric, and sociocultural. learn best when we go
to fit prior concepts) and
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