Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
10.07.2023 Elementary Level 60 mins
Lesson Type: Vocabulary
Lesson Topic: Objects in the bedroom
Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Comprehend the meaning, form, and pronunciation of ten new Exhibited comprehension of the meaning, form, and pronunciation of
words related to objects found in the bedroom. ten new words related to objects found in the bedroom which will be
Identify and understand the function and purpose of each object. presented to them in the form of visual aids i.e., realia, flashcard, and
Recognize the terms in context and use the target vocabulary choral drills.
effectively in conversations. Practiced using the target vocabulary words in context through a gap-
filling worksheet, selecting the appropriate words to fill in the blanks
and reinforcing their understanding of the meaning and function of
each bedroom object.
Target vocabulary: Developed fluency in their communication and natural use of the new
Door, clock, mirror, desk, picture, lamp, chair, table, bed, and drawer vocabulary through a role play activity where they assumed the roles
of furniture salespersons and customers, using visual aids to describe
the features and purpose of the objects during the sale.
Expanded their vocabulary by learning new words related to bedroom
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
Lesson plan 130623
, 1. Learners 1. Foster an inclusive and supportive learning environment by emphasizing that
Some female students in the predominantly male class may feel intimidated mistakes are part of the learning process. Use whole class teaching and
and lack confidence to speak in front of their peers, hindering their encourage collaborative activities to create an equal participation opportunity
participation. for all students.
2. L1 2. Establish a language-use rule at the beginning of the lesson, highlighting the
As the class is monolingual, students may resort to using their native benefits of speaking only English. Remind students to use English when
language (L1) when faced with challenges or difficulties during the lesson. needed and provide gentle reminders if they revert to their native language.
3. Age
The age difference among students may lead to boredom for those who are 3. Use mixed-age groups or pairs and assign tasks to each group member,
already familiar with some of the target words, creating a need for
allowing older students to take on mentoring roles for younger students. This
differentiated instruction.
promotes a sense of maturity and fosters a positive learning atmosphere.
4. Level
4. Utilize visual aids, interactive exercises, and games to help students grasp
Elementary level students may have a limited vocabulary in the second
language (L2), making it difficult for them to understand the meanings of and remember new vocabulary. Create opportunities for students to practice
new English words. using English in real-life contexts, making the learning experience more
5. Target Language (meaning, form, and pronunciation)
Chinese learners may encounter challenges in understanding the meaning and
form of English words due to differences in syntax, grammar, and 5. Implement real-life examples, and context-based activities to help students
vocabulary, and they may also struggle with the pronunciation of English grasp the meaning and form of English words. Use pictures, gestures, and
consonants /l/ and /r//, as these sounds do not exist in their native language, actions to enhance comprehension and make connections between the target
impeding their ability to accurately learn and pronounce words like "lamp" words and their meanings. Provide physical demonstrations of sounds and
and "mirror." offer practice activities that focus on minimal pairs to help students
differentiate between the /l/ and /r/ sounds. Incorporate games and ample
practice opportunities to improve pronunciation skills.
Language analysis:
Lesson plan 130623
, Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions form Use the IPA
translator if needed
1. Door A piece of wood, glass, I’ll display this flashcard and point Is the purpose of a door Noun /dɔː(r)/
etc. that is opened and to the classroom door, emphasizing to let in light? (No)
closed so that people can that it is used to enter or exit a Can it be used to keep
get in and out of a room or room. things hidden? (Yes)
2. Clock An object that tells the I’ll display this flashcard and What does it show? Noun /klɒk/
time and can be found in demonstrate the movement of the (Time)
rooms or on the wall. hands to show the passing of time. Is it typically found on
the wall? (Yes)
3. Mirror A special glass that you I'll show a flashcard and a handheld Can you see yourself in Noun /ˈmɪrə(r)/
can see yourself when you mirror, demonstrating how the a mirror? (Yes)
look in it. mirror reflects your image. Can you use it to keep
items inside? (No)
Can you name a room in
Lesson plan 130623