Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
Bianca Coetzer 13/01/2023 Elementary 60 minutes
Lesson Type:
Vocabulary Lesson
Lesson Topic:
Body Parts
Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Identify, use, and pronounce ten new body part words and know Had a conversation, in groups, about different body parts they
the meaning of each word. know of and note it down. Vocabulary in context will also have
been used to help with identification and recognising the
Target vocabulary: Head, eye, ear, nose, mouth, back, arm, hand, meaning.
leg, and foot.
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. Students might struggle with the pronunciation of the /r/ 1. I will demonstrate the movement of the tongue in an
sound in the words arm and ear. This is due to the students exaggerated movement when pronouncing the /r/ sound. I
L1, Chinese, which does not have the /r/ sound. will ask the students to repeat the pronunciation of the /r/
2. Due to the age difference, there will be a difference in
motivation to learn between the students. 2. Including a variety of activities that will be relative to their
lives and be of interest to them.
3. Students might struggle with the pronunciation of /ou/ in 3. . I will show students the phonemic script for mouth:
mouth. /maʊθ/ so students can see how the /ou sound are
1 Lesson Plan
, pronounced. I will model the word for the students to
Language analysis:
Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions
Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: Example:
huge very big, enormous using a picture of a mouse What’s the opposite of huge? Strong adjective / hjuːdʒ/
and an elephant to show Name a huge mountain.
large size
1. Head Upper part of the Using mime, gestures, and What is the upper part of the Noun /hɛd/
human body. a picture of a head. body?
2. Eye Organs of sight in the Using mime, gestures, and What is the sight organ? Noun /'aɪ/
head. a picture of an eye.
3. Ear Organ of hearing and Using mime, gestures, and
What organ helps for hearing Noun /ɪə/
balance in the body. a picture of an ear. and balance?
4. Nose Part above the mouth. Using mime, gestures, and
What do you use for Noun /nəʊz/
Used for smelling. a picture of a nose. smelling?
5. Mouth Opening in the lower Using mime, gestures, and
What is the opening in the Noun /maʊθ/
part of the human face. a picture of a mouth. lower part of the human face
6. Back The rear surface of the Using mime, gestures, and What is the rear surface of Noun /'bæk/
human body from the a picture of a back. the human body from the
shoulders to the hips.
shoulders to the hips called?
7. Arm Upper limb of the Using mime, gestures, and What is the upper limb of the Noun /ɑːm/
body. a picture of an arm. body?
8. Leg Lower limb of the Using mime, gestures, and What is the lower limb of the Noun /lɛɡ/
2 Lesson Plan