1. Kemshall (2008:7–8) is of the opinion that the identification of high-risk offenders
has been, and still is, a problem. This, in the author's opinion, is due to three major
issues. Identify the correct options that describe these issues:
1. designing and implementing a risk assessment tool capable of reliably and
consistently identifying high-risk offenders
2. differing interpretations of what constitutes "high risk" among practitioners and
3. the opinions of the police, court officials and medical practitioners about who is
potentially a high-risk offender
4. establishing sufficient criteria and evidence upon which to base judgements about
the future
2. "This perspective of risk has resulted in a constant developing in the pursuit of
reliable risk assessment tools to identify dangerous offenders, the ‘critical few' or high-
risk offenders." Identify which perspective or theoretical approach the above statement
forms part of:
1. psychological approach
2. cultural perspective
3. criminological and legal approaches
4. sociological approach
3. Complete the sentence by choosing the correct term: ... assessments and
treatments often run parallel to psychological approaches, targeted at those high-risk
offenders deemed to have a mental illness.
1. Biophysical
2. Psychosocial
3. Neurological
4. Psychiatric
4. What does Kemshall (2008:40) refer to as "a mechanism of social regulation in
which individuals are made responsible for their own actions, including their own risks,
and for their own self-risk management"?
1. responsibilisation
,2. self-regulation
3. individualisation
4. rationalisation
5. Complete the following statement correctly by choosing the correct term: According
to the social construction approach the ... can "champion" causes, validate causes and
experiences, demonise groups and popularise new fears, risk, and dangers.
1. offenders
2. courts
3. media
4. victims
1. Residing in a high-crime neighbourhood that is characterised by gangs and
un employment are factors that are associated with
(a) personal or personality-related risk assessment factors
(b) social or environmental-related risk assessment factors
(c) crime-related risk assessment factors
(d) victim-related risk assessment factors
2. All risk assessment attempts should be based on the ….. Principle.
(a) Reaction-Risk-Need
(b) Responsivity-Risk-Need
(c) Need-Risk-Reaction
(d) Risk-Need-Responsivity
3. When a criminologist wants to take into consideration whether an offender displays
personality disorder traits, the identification of hereof should be grounded on a
(a) professional therapist such as a psychiatrist or a psychologist's diagnosis
(b) self-assessment and according to the criminologist's risk assessment
(c) crime-related factors such as sadism and a history of violent and aggressive
, (d) risk assessment factors such as criminal associations and a dysfunctional family
4. Factors such as ... can be perceived as crime-related risk assessment factors.
(a) a lack of victim empathy and an early onset of deviant and criminal behaviour
(b) grooming and a history of violent and aggressive behaviour
(c) a history of deviant sexual interests and pre-occupations and impulsivity
(d) criminal attitudes and the pre-planning of a crime
5. Identify which of the following options DOES NOT fit into crime-related factors
category for general risk assessment:
(a) gang involvement, stalking behaviour, history of sexual behaviour, and an early
onset of deviant and criminal behaviour
(b) using force and weapons, victim selection and relationship to the victim, and a lack
of insight and understanding into one's own behaviour
(c) pre-planning of the offence, a criminal history, criminal associates, a low self-
esteem, and a lack of self-control
(d) committing crime in a group context, history of deviant sexual behaviour, and a
criminal support structure
5 ways to protect your child from a paedophile:
1. Get Active in Your Children's Life. Make sure you know who your children are
spending time with, the adults they meet on a regular basis or what they are doing at
a friend's house.
2. Make Time to Take Part in Your Children's Life.Paedophiles look for children
who appear to be on their own or whose parents do not pay much attention to them.
Paedophiles participate in activities where children are, so getting involved in your
children's life can help set up a barrier between your children and a paedophile.
3. Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children Can Take Place Anywhere and at
Any Time. This is not just a “big city” problem. The U.S. Department of Justice
estimates that on average, there is one child molester per square mile. In Canada,
that means on average, there is one child molester per 1.6 square kilometres. Be
aware of the people who live in your community, and watch those who seem to have
an unusual interest in children.
4. Make Sure Your Children Know the Proper Name of Their Anatomical Parts.
Paedophiles often adopt cute names for the “sexual” parts of a child's body, and if your