.@#-ffffi#r, -Wfunw*
Oe€ tne tore ftr thc mrlr0 pcGr\n .+ revi\leg > opbinllstslc' lCnO
AEain t $tm r{
M ,the tcrrrcl |tcls/ hos bee'\
t) deCId cov .^ tar\q urne '
'6r cr
thr'5 reN loegtFrt^ing
*S*^':- S: d*,f'l?p t is
Inrbued with lyric rains,re(€o'\1c'ffim- L" lS,H'"9''"itq
rvru.'re 14 wae t.nd
-dt "n@- crrtu€
And sap'r'e-sweetening d ry,G-tffi
TH"*)""*fliiltia* *f: F*\C It
ten* € srY\etl Jt evoved, w*n {1^e
. tdre cr cr'rct- <re et( $s f\ow
Perfumes the ffirffis ' piit eCI witl trne \c€Ag' oe nerN (lPe
e, 6
6r rrrtt0Et 1
St(rr I
Srnall rCIots explode inr the sitr'figu of slars,*eolrr'r;ffi,fiS -,.i*
Each bulb gives up its dream, ,HyL,ia; [.6vq i_, iij: r r g\uen
T:L dl^\cjt t !t0lit fYlClt/- pcHrYar
-\S'ffffir^ffi *;.1': ,lre, \(e
sw€Fc nectCr/z
i}1a,Y\ c*Y1t-
Honev drips ffO OfCh id th rOfltg,,netoptn*;
r ocennds
z+nq^J_ oh
1 -,1
TGrl n
f sy-)crr.9ttflO
\ ana^ ttoUttsut
wft ce m^&r
'Jewels raceme:
raAAz\zr each ,\J\A./\ l'
cttqf\4>L .'gtteved *o hcwo
rerqntflqc:lEot ' g;t$€r s 'rrot fl^e
o{rt} r..€\A ti 0€
rc.tir-\ .
The'desert siqhs at dawn -
.D su{PP}+s .f5r t}"te erndC lstus- is q
h* .:,Y' t! aileo e.VPe'G-n,CIng
As im ammthmr !smhere Yo^o*t'*ffito. rrV9 rhL vCld
The temple lotus breaks her'h u*dm
?d,*sri arffi,i*&
wk-t $ (o nnte idep d>
A grn r r iE CJrrqJ Ferttt t ,
On the attentive air _ Froc,^r'iccr,* ;m* y,";'o^,ot.J" c6,"trS
' qa \dctcrn'