Mineral Sources Function Effect of deficiency
Calcium (Ca) macronutrient Milk, dairy products, sh, leafy - component of bones and teeth - bones serve as calcium reservoir,
vegetables - Plays role in muscle contraction de ciencies lead to rickets and
- Necessary for clotting of blood osteoporosis
- Role in conducting nerve impulses - Ine ective clotting of blood
Sodium (Na) micronutrient Table salt, many food types - regulates osmotic (water) balance in - most important positive ion in extra
body uids cellular uid
- Muscle contraction - Muscle cramps
- Conduction of nerve impulses
Iron (Fe) micronutrient Meat, sh, liver, nuts, egg yolk, - part of he haemoglobin (O2 carrier - anaemia
legumes in blood) - E ects mental competence
Zinc (Zn) micronutrient Meat, sh, milk, yogurt, grains, - co factor for at least 70 enzymes - cognitive ability can be a ected by
vegetables - Growth and reparation of tissue de ciency
- Brain development of foetus
Selenium (Se) Sea food, eggs, meat, garlic, - anti oxidant - protects against cancer
mushrooms, whole grain - Plays important role in immune - De ciency can lead to problems
system (need in small amounts) with immune system
Magnesium (Mg) Wheat germ, nuts, raisins, yeast, - muscle functioning + Muscle spasms
almonds - Conducting of nerve impulses + Insomnia
macronutrient - Co factor of some enzymes + Constipation
+ High blood pressure
Vitamins are organic compounds essential for metabolic reactions.
Needed in small amounts
Some are fat soluble A,D,E,K: excess fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body and may become toxic
Some are water soluble B,C: excess water soluble vitamins are not stored, they are excreted in urine
, Vitamin Sources Function Effect of deficiency
A (retinol) Liver, milk, yellow and green - keeps skin and mucous membranes - xerophthalmia (dryness of cornea)
vegetables, carrots healthy - Night blindness
- Necessary for forming of
photoreceptors in the retina
- Anti-oxidant (protection against
D (calciferol) Fish oil, egg yolk, butter, margarine - promotes absorption of calcium and - rickets (misshapen bones in
and milk phosphorus from intestine children)
- Promotes strong bones and teeth - Osteomalacia (weak bones in adults
E Plant oils, nuts, leafy vegetables - anti-oxidant (protection of - increased metabolism of
membranes) unsaturated fatty acids = shortage
- Protection against ageing when cell membranes have to be
- Large quantities prevents deposits formed
of cholesterol in arteries - Damage nervous system
K Provided by intestinal bacteria, leafy - synthesis of proteins for clotting of - clotting of blood hampered
vegetables and wheat germ blood
C (ascorbic acid) Citrus fruit, strawberries, tomatoes, - synthesis of collagen - scurvy (wounds heal slowly, scars
cabbage, leafy vegetables - Maintains health of blood vessels weak and fear easily)
- Maintains connective tissue - Weak car pillars vessels, poor
- Plays role in absorption of iron growth
- Healing of wounds slow (de ciency
noticeable in smokers)
B1 (thiamine) Liver, yeast, whole grain, meat, leafy - co enzyme, important for - beriberi (weak cardiac muscles ,
vegetables carbohydrates and amino acid poor digestion, nervous conditions)
metabolism - Characterized by lack of energy,
- Promotes healthy appetite weak muscles and amnesia
- Prevents constipation
B2 (riboflavin) Liver, milk, eggs, chicken, tuna, leafy - co enzymes, cellular respiration - dermatitis
vegetables, wheat germ - Sores in corners of mouth