Exam (elaborations)
YEAR 2023/2024
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1. BCBA - D: most advanced credential, w/ doctorate degree in related field, previ-
ously a BCBA
2. BCBA: masters in related field, specific coursework in ABA, completed supervi-
sion training hours, passed BCBA exam
3. Who can practice ABA without supervision/act as supervisors?: BCBA-D &
4. BCaBA: bachelors in related field, coursework in ABA, training & supervision
hours, passed BCBA, CAN'T work alone, but may supervise RBT's
5. RBT: direct service providers that use ABA, should be ready to perform all tasks
created by BCAB and have responsible certificant
6. Supervisor: assigns tasks & responsibilities to RBT
7. Certificant: must be registered with BACB, diff from sup - ensures that RBT has
BCBA or BCaBA and that supervision requirements are being met, required to hav
certificant for each place you work (one person can be both sup & cert)
8. 6 categories of tasks: measurement, assessment, skill aquisition, behavior re-
duction, documentation/reporting, professional conduct/scope of practice
9. Maintaining RBT credential: annual completion of the competency assessmen
renewal app & fee, good standing with BACB board, ongoing supervision
10. ABA: Applied Behavior Analysis, principles of behavior - rules of how we all lea
11. Goal of ABA: to make changes to socially significant behavior via objective
measurement & analysis
12. 7 dimensions of ABA: Applied, Behavioral, Analytic, Technological, Conceptu
ally Systematic, Effective, Generality
13. 7 Dimensions of ABA: applied: change must be of social significance
14. 7 Dimensions of ABA: behavioral: focus on observable and measurable be-
15. 7 Dimensions of ABA: analytic: functional relationship has been reliably show
between environmental event & change in behavior
16. 7 Dimensions of ABA: Technological: procedures are explained so that any-
one can use them
17. 7 Dimensions of ABA: Conceptually Systematic: procedures/interventions
are derived from strong theoretical place
18. 7 Dimensions of ABA: Generalizable: change in behavior is observed in
different settings
19. BF Skinner: argued for analysis and examination of 3-term contingency
20. Human Behavior is either:: Operant or Respondant
21. Human Behavior: Operant: evoked, learned, voluntary, observable, measur-
able, the primary behavior observed in ABA, controlled by antecedent/stimulus,
assessed/modified by controlling stimuli
, abat
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22. Human Behavior: Respondant: elicited, reflexive, involuntary
23. 3 term-contingency: antecedent, behavior, consequence OR stimulus/re-
24. 4 consequences that influence behavior: positive & negative reinforce-
25. Behavior change can only occur by:: changing antecedent/consequence
26. Interventions based on ABA: shaping, task analysis, chaining, discrete trial
training, incidental training, stimulus training, stimulus fading
27. Person First Language: Placing the individual ahead of the disability: person
with autism
28. Prevalence of Autism: 1 in 68 children in US, x5 more common in boys (1/42)
29. How is autism diagnosed?: It is diagnosed via child's behavior and develop-
ment history
30. Risk Factors of Autism: identical twins have increased chances of both havin
autism, parents with 1 child with autism have 2-8% chance 2nd kid will as well,
children born to older parents at higher risk, usu assoc. w/ fragile X & tuberous
31. Characteristics of ASD: qualitative impairment in social interaction & commu-
nication, repetitive & stereotyped patterns of interest
32. Challenging Behaviors: serves a purpose, often used as communication; chil
dren w autism at risk for developing challenging behaviors due to skill deficits
33. Behavioral Excesses: behaviors that occur too often, want to decrease (stere
typic/repetitive, aggression, tantrums)
34. Behavioral Deficits: skills that are lacking/not fully developed, want to increas
(language, communication, play, attention, cognition)
35. Diagnosis of Autism typically involves:: obtaining developmental history of
child & observing child/performing assessments
36. Diagnostic Tools: ADOS: semi structured assessment that analyzes commun
cation, social interaction, play/imaginative use of materials; mainly used for people
SUSPECTED of having autism/developmental disorder
37. Diagnostic Tools: DSM 5: used to diagnose autism & other disorders
38. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD): Level 1: requires support, level 2: requires
substantial support, level 3: requires very substantial support
39. Symptoms of Autism: may be present and detectable from infancy, child may
seem to develop normally at first then show signs of autism later
40. Autism Screening: American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that
doctors use general developmental screening tool and validated autism spectrum