Study the scenario carefully before you consider the discussion questions. Always unpack an assessment scenario in terms of the following:
The assessment context The school community
The concern raised in the assessment context Illegal drug use amongst learners at the school
The owner of the concern The school board and parent association
The consultant The psychologist who is responsible to address the concern
The intention of the consultant To develop and tailor prevention programmes to accommodate the needs and circumstances of the learners
The test user The psychologist who uses the questionnaire (In this scenario the consultant and the test user is the same person,
namely the psychologist)
The intention of the test user To identify and target learners who are at risk for illegal drug use
The group targeted for assessment The learners at the school
The questionnaire The Alcohol use Intention Questionnaire (AIQ)
The intention of the questionnaire To determine the level of an individual’s intention to use alcohol
Question Discussion
1 Lindi: I presume a good place to begin this discussion is the Banit’s response is correct. She indicates the intention of the questionnaire correctly. Carl
intention of the AIQ identifies the intention of the test user (the psychologist) as the intention of the
questionnaire. This is not correct. Although Carl refers to a reason for using the test, in this
Banti: Well, the intention of the questionnaire clearly is to case the test user’s intention is not identical to the intention of the questionnaire. But Jan’s
determine the level of an individual’s intention to use alcohol response is worse than Carl’s. Jan’s interpretation of the intention of the questionnaire does
Carl: No, the questionnaire’s intention is to identify and target not refer to a reason for using the questionnaire. He refers to the target group of the
, learners who are at risk for illegal drug use assessment exercise.
Jan: Actually the intention of the questionnaire is to assess
learners at the school
You agree most with, second most with and least with:
Banti Carl Jan
2 Gcina: Do you think the questionnaire is fit for purpose in light of Carl’s response is correct. He identifies the intention of the questionnaire and the intention of
the intention of the test user? the test user correctly, and he draws attention to the relationship between the intention of
the questionnaire and how the test user wants to use the results. This relationship was
Jan: No I do not think so, because the intention of the test user is reported in subject literature. Jan offers the correct information about the intention of the
to identify and target learners who are at risk for illegal drug questionnaire and the intention of the test user, but because these are different he concludes
use whereas the intention of the AIQ is to determine the that the test user cannot use questionnaire as he/she intends to do. In other words, Jan
level of an individual’s intention to use alcohol forgets (or does not know) about the subject literature that Carl refers to. Lindi’s response is
Lindi: No, because the intention of the questionnaire is to identify incorrect. She not only confuses the intention of the questionnaire and the intention of the
and target learners who are at risk for illegal drug use which test user (i.e. what the psychologist wants to find out), she also confuses the intention of the
falls short of the intention of the test user namely to tailor test user and the intention of the consultant (i.e. how the psychologist wants to react to the
prevention programmes to accommodate the needs and concern that sparked the assessment).
circumstances of these learners
Carl: I think the questionnaire is fit for purpose because there is a
relationship between the level of an individual’s intention to
use alcohol, which is the intention of the AIQ, and the
individual’s risk for illegal drug use, which is what the test
user wants to find out
You agree most with, second most with and least with:
Carl Jan Lindi
3 Gcina Do you think the questionnaire can help to address the Lindi’s response is most correct. She understands that the result of the questionnaire can be
concern of the school board and parent association? used to identify and target learners who are at risk of illegal drug use. But she also realises
that this result does not automatically lead to prevention programmes. One has to know how
Carl: Yes, because we can use the AIQ to identify and target to tailor such programmes to accommodate the needs and circumstances of the identified
learners who are at risk for illegal drug use learners. Carl’s response is correct, but he does not consider the fact the assessment result
Lindi: Yes, but then we have to know how to tailor prevention does not automatically result in implemented. One has to know how to implement the result
programmes to accommodate the needs and circumstances (as Lindi indicates). Banti’s realises that that there is a difference between the intention of the
of these learners after we identified and targeted learners questionnaire and the intention of the test user, but she forgets (or does not know) about the
who are at risk for illegal drug use relationship between the intention to use alcohol and drug abuse reported in subject
Banti: No I disagree, because the intention of the AIQ is to literature. Thus she comes to an incorrect conclusion.
determine the level of an individual’s intention to use
, alcohol, which does not mean we can identify and target
learners who are at risk for illegal drug use
You agree most with, second most with and least with:
Lindi Carl Banti
4 Gcina Do you think the AIQ is the correct type of questionnaire for The questionnaire is an example of a survey type questionnaire, and a survey type
our assessment purpose? questionnaire is the correct type of questionnaire to use to determine how people perceive
and feel about matters. Thus Jan’s response is most correct. Carl’s response is half correct and
Jan: Yes, I think so. the AIQ is a survey type questionnaire and we half incorrect. He is correct in identifying the AIQ as a survey type questionnaire, but he is
need a survey type questionnaire to gather information that incorrect to identify the assessment of learners at the school as the purpose of the
allows us to identify and target learners who are at risk for assessment. He confuses the group to be assessed with the purpose of the assessment. Lindi’s
illegal drug use response is incorrect on two accounts. She wrongly indicates that the AIQ is not a survey type
Lindi: No, the AIQ is not a survey type questionnaire, and it is not questionnaire, and she is incorrect when she says that the AIQ cannot be used to identify
the type of questionnaire that is suitable to identify and learners who are at risk of illegal drug use.
target learners who are at risk for illegal drug use
Carl: Actually the AIQ is a survey type questionnaire, and it is
suitable to assess learners at the school
You agree most with, second most with and least with:
Jan Carl Lindi
5 Jan: Given the intention of the AIQ, what is its content domain? The content domain is the area defined by the psychological construct that underlies the
questionnaire. The intention of the AIQ is to determine the level of a person’s intention to use
Carl: I would say the content domain of the AIQ is learners at the alcohol. Therefore Lindi’s response is most correct. The content domain of the AIQ (given its
school intention) is the psychological factors associated with the intention to use alcohol. Banti’s
Banti: I think the content domain of the AIQ is attitude towards response is correct but incomplete. Attitude towards using alcohol is part (but not the whole
using alcohol story) of the intention to use alcohol. Carl’s response is incorrect. The group targeted for
Lindi: No, I think the content domain of the AIQ is the psychological assessment is not the content domain of the questionnaire.
factors associated with the intention to use alcohol
You agree most with, second most with and least with:
Lindi Banti Carl
6 Banti: I am concerned about the content domain of the AIQ in light The intention of the AIQ is to determine the intention to use alcohol. The intention to use
of the intention of the AIQ alcohol is theoretically determined by the theory of planned behaviour. The intention to
execute behaviour involves three factors as indicated in the scenario. Therefore there is no
Jan: I do not think there is need for concern. The questionnaire’s concern about the content domain of the AIQ. One could be concerned about the AIQ itself
content domain is theoretically determined as attitude though because it only measures two of the three factors, namely attitude towards alcohol