2 OF 2023
Discuss document-based research with reference to examples
Document-based research is also referred to as the qualitative method of research or
quantitative research. Document-based research has to do with the reviewing of sources
that are mostly sourced from or found in the library. These sources include law reports,
legislation, textbooks, and law journals. Basically, researchers assess the available literature
in an attempt to find the required answer or what has been written on a specific subject. In
doing all this, researchers seek to “immerse themselves in the subject matter” and cultivate
contemporary concepts that significantly enhance their understanding and clarification of
reality. 1
According to Hancock, Ockleford and Windridge document-based research attempts to
broaden and/or deepen our understanding of how things came to be the way they are in
our social world. If the research question involves exploring how people experience
something, or what their views are, exploring a new area where issues are not yet
understood or properly identified (e.g. before developing questionnaire items), assessing
whether a new service is implementable, looking at ‘real-life’ context, or a sensitive topic
where you need flexibility to avoid causing distress, your team probably needs to discuss
using qualitative methodology. 2
In doing research of this nature, researchers seek to answer or respond to the question
“why?”. According to Black, 3 researchers do all this in order to “study things in their natural
setting, attempting to make sense of, or interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings
people bring to them”. 4 Specifically, they attempt to describe and explain certain
phenomena or positions within a wider context. Accordingly, words (written or unwritten),
objects, and pictures are collected. Thereafter, a researcher would do a review of literature,
for example case law, statutes and other sources, such as textbooks and journal articles.
Higgins GE “Quantitative versus Qualitative Methods: Understanding Why Quantitative Methods are
Predominant in Criminology and Criminal Justice” 2009 (1) Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical
Criminology 24 – 27; Mc Conville and Chui Research Methods of Law 16 – 65.
Hancock B, Ockleford E and Windridge K “An introduction to qualitative research” https://www.rds- 2009.pdf (Date of use: 23
February 2018).
Black N “Why we need qualitative research” 1994 (48) Journal of Epidemiolog y and Community Health 425–
Black 1994 Journal of Epidemiolog y and Community Health 426