Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
Miss Van Rooyen 22/03/2023 Elementary 60 minutes
Lesson Type: Vocabulary
Lesson Topic: Body part nouns
Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to… By the end of the lesson, students will have…
Precisely identify the meaning, form, and pronunciation of Exhibited a comprehension of the meaning, pronunciation,
ten new words related to bodily parts. (Head, leg, foot, and form of ten new words related to bodily parts that will
back, ear, arm, eye, nose, and mouth). be presented to them as visual aids such as realia,
Recognize the words in different contexts, they will be able flashcards, hand motions and choral exercises.
to speak and apply them appropriately in sentences, such as Gained proficiency with the new term’s trough a gap filling
“My feet are cold,” and be able to identify the ten new worksheet exercise where they had to select the correctly
bodily related terms being discussed. spelled term from a list of alternatives and fill in the blank
Utilized and practiced the new target language in a natural
Target vocabulary: Head, leg, foot, back, ear, arm, eye, nose,
setting. The role play activity will enable the students to
mouth and hand
communicate freely, without the teacher impeding fluency.
Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:
1. Seeing that the Chinese students have a completely 1. As a teacher, I will assist them and be patient while doing
different alphabet system, it might take them much longer reading and writing activities.
1 Lesson Plan
, to complete writing activities.
2. Placing the students in groups will help them feel more
2. The class might be dominated by the academically stronger confident while participating in the activity; this will also
or faster learners, which can be why the weaker students help monitor and ensure that certain students don’t
become shy and don’t want to be involved in the activity. dominate the group.
3. Because it’s an adult class, the students will have big age 3. I will create groups of students that will consist of the same
gaps, making it difficult for them to bond with one another, age bracket.
the class will become silent.
Language analysis:
Language Meaning of the How you will present Concept Checking Grammatical form Pronunciation
Item item meaning Questions
Example: Example: Example: Example: Example: Example:
huge very big, enormous using a picture of a mouse What’s the opposite of huge? Strong adjective / hjuːdʒ/
and an elephant to show Name a huge mountain.
large size
1. Head The head is the part Use a picture of the 1. Are there any Noun
of the body above human body then other body parts /hed/
the neck where the demonstrate to my found on it?
eyes, nose and students where the (Yes)
mouth are. head is located on the 2. Is it on the top or
2 Lesson Plan
, human body. the bottom of the
2. Leg The leg is the part Use a picture of the 1. Is it used for Noun /leɡ/
of the body that is human body then walking?
used for walking demonstrate to my (Yes)
and standing. students where the 2. How many does a
leg is located on the person have?
human body. (Two)
3. Foot The foot is part of Use a picture of the 1. Do you use it Noun /fʊt/
the human body at human body then while standing?
the bottom of the demonstrate to my (Yes)
leg, on which they students where the 2. Is it at the top
stand on. foot is located on the or the bottom
human body. of the body?
4. Hand The hand is at the Use a picture of the 1. Do you use Noun /hænd/
bottom of the arm, human body then it when you
it is used to move, demonstrate to my write?
pick up, hold, and students where the (Yes)
touch things. hand is located on the 2. How many
human body. do you
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