,Q. The world first became aware of a new disease, which was later known as Aids in (a)___ when
1. (a) 1982; (b) heterosexual people in central Africa showed symptoms like severe diarrhea and
weight loss – a disease that was referred to as ‘slim disease ‘at the time
2. (a) 1980; (b) scientists were baffled by a new disease that was sexually transmitted
3. (a) 1981; (b) a very rare form of pneumonia and an uncommon type of cancer were diagnosed in
homosexual men in Los Angeles
4. (a) 1983; (b) a rare form of pneumonia (PCP) was diagnosed in people with hemophilia
Q. Which HI virus type is predominant in Southern Africa?
1. HIV 1 Subtype B
2. HIV 1 Subtype C
3. HIV 2 Subtype B and C in combination
4. HIV 2 Subtype C
Q. The defences of the immune system can be divided into two main groups namely the non-specific
defences and the specific defences. An example of the specific defences is ___.
1. CD4+T cells
2. the skin an mucous membranes
3. plasma proteins
4. macrophages
Q. Which of the following features describe the HI virus?
(a) It is a retrovirus
(b) It is a very small organism
(c) It is roughly circular in shape
(d) It can only be seen with a microscope
The correct answer is:
1. (a)
2. (b) and (c)
3. (a) (b) and (c)
4. (a) (b) (c) and (d)
, Q. One reason why HIV changes rapidly is because___.
1. they become resistant against AR medications
2. viruses that cause different illnesses combine
3. there are several subtypes of HIV
4. mutation occur during replication
Q. There are various biological, epidemiological and socioeconomic factors that influence the spread
of HIV infection. Women are biologically more vulnerable to HIV infection than men, because
women ___.
1. living in traditional African societies are usually forced to comply with cultural practices, such as
living with their in-laws and subjecting themselves to the practice of widow cleansing
2. are exposed to semen for a longer time during sex than men are to vaginal fluids, and semen
contains higher concentrations of HIV than vaginal fluids do
3. living in poor and deprived conditions are often forced to become sex workers in order to keep
themselves and their children alive
4. often have more sexual partners than men
Q. It is the policy of the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) to test all donated blood for
the following:
1. HIV only.
2. HIV, hepatitis B and syphilis.
3. HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C and syphilis.
4. HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, syphilis and herpes.
Q. With the definition of ‘HIV-exposed’ in mind, which one of the following examples explains the
definition or concept the best?
1. Nozuko was exposed to the blood of her mother at birth, and it is certain that she will be HIV
2. Tony was born to an HIV infected mother, but an HIV test has to be done before it is certain if
he is HIV positive or negative.
3. Amalia was born to an HIV infected mother who also breastfed her, and therefore her exposure to
HIV is very high.
4. Peter was exposed to the blood of his mother during birth, but his mother was already on ARVs
during her pregnancy. He was therefore not exposed to HIV.