Chapter One
Identify stressors
Key words!
Change: to transform or become different
Quality of life: your level of personal well-being and satisfaction with your life, what the conditions of your
life are
Stress : Pressure , nervous tension and anxiety, constant worry, strain
Anxiety : Worry , nervousness or unease
Stressors : Things that cause stress or pressure
Stress -a reaction to something caused by ongoing, increasing or new pressures or
The pressures are more than your coping skills, you may feel overcome by:
- Constant nervous tension or anxiety
- Too much to do
- Too many problems to solve
- Too many things happening over which you think you have no control
The pressures that lead to stress = stressors
Stressors can be:
Emotional Physical
Environmental Social
Affect your quality of life and how well you live
Physical stressors
Physical factors cause stress that affects your body.
Lack of physical exercise
Physical or sexual abuse illness
Hunger, Poor nutrition, lack of sleep , addiction , substance abuse
Smoking, using drugs , sexual promiscuity and OTHER RISKY BEHAVIOR
, Emotional Stressors
Examples include:
Reactions to life crises and change
Personality and self-image
Feeling stressors = constant worry, anxiety, nervousness, anxiety , jealousness , anger ,
disappointment , rejection, fear, hate, uncertainty about ones future.
LIFE CRISES= unplanned pregnancy , death of parent or family member , failing , job loss ,
divorce, victim of crime , not getting into university.
Change- moving houses, new jobs, marriage, transition from school to adult life.
Personality as a stressor
DEFINTION: Qualities , actions , behavior and attitude that make a person unique!
Knowing more about personality types help us understand why personality can be a stressor
-Often our personalities are affected by the situations we are in.
-This means we will not all fit into one particular personality group.
Type A personality Type B personality
Competitive and ambitious Easy- going , restful and relaxed
Many goals Procrastinator, delay work, do things last
Push yourself hard minute
In control Struggle to meet deadlines
Everything is urgent , worry about tests , Not competitive
deadlines Optimisic, expect the best outcome
Impatient, busy , aggressive even A joker.
A perfectionist
Brave , thinking of new ideas and leading the
Hard-working , self-motivated , don’t waste
Type C personality Type D personality
Shy Pessimist
Like to be alone Negative view on life