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Answer all the questions.
Always choose the correct/most suitable answer for each question.
Choose only one option for each question.
1 Ted died intestate and left behind the following relatives:
• His mother, Mary.
• His half-sister, Candy. Candy and Ted had the same mother but not the same
• His half-brother, Ben. Ben and Ted had the same father, but not the same
mother. (His father is predeceased.)
• His full-blood sister, Sarah.
Who will inherit Ted’s estate?
[1] His mother, Mary, will inherit the whole estate.
[2] His mother, Mary, will inherit half of the estate and the other half will be
shared equally by Ben and Sarah.
[3] His mother, Mary, will inherit half of the estate and the other half will be
shared equally by Candy, Ben and Sarah.
[4] His mother, Mary, will inherit half of the estate and Sarah will inherit the other
2 A child’s portion is…
[1] calculated by dividing the value of the deceased’s estate by the number of
stirpes plus the number of surviving spouses.
[2] calculated by dividing the value of the deceased’s estate by the number of
children plus the number of surviving spouses.
[3] R250 000.
[4] R125 000.
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Page 4 of 22
3 Xavier dies intestate and leaves the following relatives:
• His wife, Wendy, to whom he was married in community of property.
• His adopted son, Sam.
• His mother, Mary, and his full brother, Ben.
The total value of the joint estate is R800 000.
How will Xavier’s estate be divided?
[1] His wife, Wendy, inherits R250 000 and his adopted son, Sam, inherits
R150 000.
[2] His wife, Wendy and his adopted son, Sam, each inherit R400 000.
[3] His wife, Wendy, inherits R650 000 and his adopted son, Sam, inherits
R150 000.
[4] His wife, Wendy, inherits R250 000 and his adopted son, Sam, his mother,
Mary and his brother, Ben, each inherit R50 000.
4 Tom died intestate and left behind the following relatives:
• His half-brother, Saul. Saul and Tom had the same father but not the same
mother. (His father and mother are predeceased.)
• His step-sister, Darla. Darla was the child of his stepmother who is
• His uncle, John, the brother of his mother.
• His aunt, Susan, the sister of his father.
Who will inherit Tom’s estate?
[1] His half-brother, Saul, and his uncle, John, will each inherit half of the estate.
[2] His half-brother, Saul, and stepsister, Darla, will each inherit half of the
[3] His half-brother, Saul, will inherit half of the estate and the other half will be
shared equally by his uncle, John, and his aunt, Susan.
[4] His half-brother, Saul, will inherit the whole estate.
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Page 5 of 22
5 Xander died intestate and left the following relatives:
• His father, Fred.
• His grandfather, Gavin, on his mother’s side. (His mother is predeceased.)
• His uncle, Ben, his mother's brother.
Who will inherit Xander’s estate?
[1] His father, Fred, will inherit half of the estate and his grandfather, Gavin, will
inherit the other half.
[2] His father, Fred, his grandfather, Gavin, and his uncle, Ben, will each inherit
one third of the estate.
[3] His father, Fred, will inherit the whole estate.
[4] His father, Fred, will inherit half of the estate and his grandfather, Gavin, and
his uncle, Ben, will share the other half of the estate equally.
6 The rule that provides that only male persons may inherit in terms of customary law
is called…
[1] polygyny.
[2] male primogeniture.
[3] monogamy.
[4] succession to status.
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