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You can download the tutorial letter from the module site on myUnisa. It is available in
English, Sepedi, and isiZulu.
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words. Group work will be equally penalised as will any form of copying from any student, or
any attempt to commit academic dishonesty. No hand-written exam answer scripts will be
accepted. No scanned-in exam answer scripts will be accepted. Only submit word-processed,
correctly PDF-converted scripts. Any unacceptable formats or corrupted exam answer files will not
be marked.
You will be guided on completing a Departmental Honesty Declaration when downloading the
examination paper. For your convenience, we have attached the Honesty Declaration as
Annexure A. (A copy has been added for you in the Additional Resources tab on the module
site). Please complete it and add it to your portfolio.
You have 4 hours in which to submit your portfolio on myExams.
Answer any TWO questions below. Each essay should be a minimum of 1000 words and
maximum of 2000 words, excluding the cover page, honesty declaration. DO NOT include the
table of contents and list of references. Use Arial 12 point, 1.5 spacing. Your answer to both
questions must be submitted as a single document in PDF format. Each answer must be
numbered accordingly.
Create a cover page with the following information:
• Your full name
• Your student number
• The module code
• The module name
• List the two questions you answered (for example, Question 2 and Question 3)
• The date of the exam
Analyse the characteristics of black capitalism in South Africa after 1994. (50 marks)
Required Reading: Study Guide: Unit 6; Popular initiatives in development: Reader, 2016 o r E-
reserves: Contributions by Southall (2004); and Southall (2014).
Critically evaluate the internal and external factors that contributed to the fall of Abahlali
base Mjondolo. (50 marks)
(i) In a paragraph, state the internal and external factors that contributed to the fall of
Abahlali base Mjondolo (10)
(ii) Critically evaluate those internal and external factors (40)
In this question, you do not have to write an introduction or conclusion. However, you must
acknowledge the source of your information by means of consistent and correct in-text citations.
Required Reading: Study Guide: Units 4, 7 and 8: Popular initiatives in development: Reader,
2016 o r E - r e s e r v e s – contribution by Mdlalose (2014).
DVA3705_Exam May-June 2022
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Analyse the role that has been played by women’s movements in the development of Africa.
Give examples to support your argument. (50 marks)
(i) Describe women’s movements in Africa
(ii) Outline the role played of women’s movements
(iii) Discuss the extent to which women’s movements contributed to development in Africa
Required Reading: Study Guide: Unit 4; Popular initiatives in development: a reader, 2016 o r E -
r e s e r v e s – Contributions by Bebbington, Mitlin, Mokgaladi, Scurrah and Bielich (2010); Berger
(2014); and Bhattacharjya, Birchall, Caro, Kelleher and Sahasranaman (2013)
This question consists of 4 sub-questions that carry a total of 50 marks and you must do all of them.
Two of the sub-questions carry 15 marks each while the other two carry 10 marks each. Please
number the questions according to the same number as in the question. You do not have to write an
introduction or conclusion. However, you must acknowledge the source of your information by means
of consistent and correct in-text citations.
(50 marks)
Your neighbour owns a spaza shop in Gugulethu Township since 2010. Answer the
following questions related to his/her experience with a few paragraphs for each question.
(i) What factors contributed to the emergence of the informal traders in Third world
countries? (10)
(ii) What are the characteristics of informal traders and what other types of informal
economic activities do you see around the township? (15)
(iii) What are the advantages and disadvantages of operating in this informal economic
sector? (10)
(iv) Do informal economic activities have potential to contribute to the development of the
country? Explain briefly. (15)
Required Reading: Study Guide: Units 3 and 5; Popular initiatives in development: Reader,
2016 o r E - r e s e r v e s – contributions by Meagher (2011); Abor & Quartey (2010); and Lindell
(Total: 100 marks)
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Question 3
It is no secret that women in Africa have long been looked down upon and have
faced numerous disadvantages. Hetero-patriarchal capitalism is being combated by
mobilizing women (Nyambura, 2018). Women's subjugation was not acknowledged
by leaders. Despite still-visible patriarchal power systems, women have pushed their
way into an almost entirely male area with remarkable speed and persistence
(Geisler 2004: 9). With unwavering roles, women's movements have considerably
contributed to Africa's development. This essay will begin by providing an overview
of women’s movements in Africa, followed by a discussion of the roles, contributions,
limitations, and roles of African women's movements.
Women’s movements in Africa
Women were supposed to assume the role of housewife, always in the kitchen,
cleaning around the house, and obeying their husbands' directions while the men
went out to work and were free to do as they wanted. A woman's job was to take
care of the food and the children (Seekings 1991:78–79, 82). Men preferred that
their wives stay at home, but exceptions were granted so that they might go to
church. Women in Africa had been held behind for far too long and were fed up; they
wanted better treatment, so they banded together and took charge of constructing
and rebuilding their identities. They were the pioneers of African women's
movements. All of these movements involved activities and collective acts aimed at
bringing about change for women in society. For decades, women and girls have
been subjected to a great deal. These movements were the result of a huge amount
of effort put in by these ladies. Women joined movements with the hopes of gaining
independence within their countries and, eventually, the world. "The Women's
Movements across Africa have grown permanent and multi-faceted," writes Nakayi,
Kwagala & Twesiime-Kirya (2005), "with one of its key objectives being overcoming
the issues brought about by political, social, and economic transformation across the
continent." These movements include those that promote the battle against gender-
based violence, such as the 1000 Women organization in South Africa, and those
that emphasize women's fundamental rights.
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