Eerste bedryf (BL. 42-66)
Toneel 1(BL. 42- 46)
Eerste bedryf ACT 1
Toneel 1 SCENE 1:
Woudtoneel. Boshuis links. ELIAS is besig om van steier Forest scene. Forest house. ELIAS is busy getting off
af te klim Mis al baie dig oor hele toneel… scaffolding. Mist is very thick over the scene.
Deel 1: Elias se monoloog
ELIAS: „n Man het net een lyf en dié moet lank uitkom. Ek ELIAS: A man only has one body and that needs to last
glo aan „n goeie plan en „n bietjie geluk, al is geluk „n him long. I believe in a good plan and a bit of luck,
skaars ding in hierdie bos. (Roep.) Barta! Bring vir my eventhough luck is a very scarce thing in this forest.
„n bietjie koffie, ek is gedaan. Die mis is wragtig dik. Ja (Calls) Barta! Bring me some coffee, I am exhausted.
… Ek sal êrens „n paar ou sinkplate in die hande moet The mist is really thick. Yes... I will have to gets some
kry. Die kinders ly aan die snuif en hoes van die old corrugated iron pieces somewhere. The children are
nattigheid in die huis. suffering from coughing and sniffling from all the
dampness in the house.
Wanneer hy BARTA met die koffie hoor kom, gryp hy vinnig When he hears BARTA come with the coffee, he grabs
die handbyl en kyk aandagtig na die steel. the axe and looks closely at the handle.
BARTA (onrustig): Elias, is Lukas dan nie hier by jou nie? BARTA (uneasy): Elias, is Lukas not here with you?
ELIAS: Nee. Sit maar die koffie daar op die blok neer, my ELIAS: No. Put the coffee down on the block there, my
hande is besig. hands are busy.
(BARTA af.) Sy‟s nog mooi, maar sy sal moet skoene kry. (BARTA off) She is still beautiful, but she needs shoes.
Miskien moet ek ou Krisjan Smal van Lelievleibos se Maybe I can ask old Krisjan Smal from Lelievliebos's
oudste seun kry om te help met die balke sodat ek meer eldest son to come and help me finish a few beams, but
kan lewer, maar dan weer het ek die sonde en ergernis then I am sitting with the hassle of giving the guy some
met blyplek vir die mannetjie. Ek sal moet vorentoe dink. place to stay. I need to think ahead. The only way that
Al manier waarop „n man „n behoorlike ekstra in die Bos you can make a proper extra income in this Forest, is to
kan bekom, is om „n geweer te koop en olifante te skiet, vir buy a gun and hunt the elephants, for their tusks. But
die tande. Maar waar kry jy geld vir „n geweer en vir where do I get the money for the gun and the bullets,
koeëls, en hoe kom jy by die houtkopers op die dorp and how do you get past the wood merchants in town,
verby, tot by die skippe om die tande te verkwansel? Die to get to the ships to sell the tusks? The ships pay the
skippe betaal die beste vir ivoor, maar volgens die best for ivory, but according to the wood merchants
houtkopers het net hulle liksens om aan die skippe te they are the only ones who have licence to sell to the
lewer. ships.
Deel 2: Lukas is weg
WILLEM: Pa ... Pa, Ma sê Lukas is nie in die huis nie. WILLEM: Dad... Dad, Mom says Lukas is not in the
ELIAS: Loop kyk by tant Malie of hy nie daar is nie en vee ELIAS: Then go check with aunt Malie if he is not there
af jou neus! and wipe your nose!
BL. 43
ELIAS: As „n man in die nag tot by die skippe kan kom en ELIAS: If a man can get to the ships at night to sell what
lewer wat jy het. you have.
WILLEM terug. WILLEM back.
WILLEM: Pa, Lukas is nie by tant Malie nie. WILLEM: Dad, Lukas isn't at aunt Malie either.
ELIAS: Het jy by tant Anna gevra? ELIAS: Did you ask aunt Anna?