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bos-ed questiofJS)
CS c en ~ r io
orm n~e of [FtSlc-s fo r q
·Petsonctl CDmputC?r: Perf ra
1e-uQ,/ f) it 'j
si f\~\e us er
HO LLSer •. Cs1n310 of fiu ? /homo o ff ic e )
• SO n<2twort- e) ho fll e
1 Smctll bu si ne ss ot pers:o na l
U:> pr1t'ltPrs , computers connected in
ct ~mall cued . f ri,t-r3 teveJ
, t;t an sp or i qnct mou
e •
• N\,e>bi \e u.s-er: Des-13 nf>ct tc
ever~ anq anjwhQre
1 o Powe r us~, : f~aster more Q~pensi ve a
. fa sl er CP~
. {\/\ore R/\ M
sp e is lo p -
f--the II
-I > Basicalfu / hfQh (q nq e-
L p UQm er Pho t;-oJ (a ph e r ltar~ t.vo1e •
o f· large sizes
i·ErvterpriSe lls~r_: C&mpantes
-facbs f;haf;- - are not °'I
t f
n rau;
f a ISQCI ·, ct rn ecm i n fuI wa. • "-::_~~:--~
Meq (' I rt f U llf\OUJI Q a e . O
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-er~ Cad'(Ja.ntQ3~)
· \Pap
-\> can be SCLVed P~ ·turn in3 d:
soft- copies .
t> E:.lectrbrtiC forms are faster t-o Create
\ran sf<2r.
-1:7 Re.ClU c.es hCAmctn e,r ro( S
-lf Corn01uoicctt1on (osf s qfe crwaper (¤!M il 1VoT-P)
Acc w ct. {e ertLf~ of I n.fo
, --k -=f"-stetnt commu()1'cct8on irr-RspPf-tVe of dCsfsetnc_e,
~n\J<2f3ence o{ t,ec rino to3~
I p lJen d UJn<2re mctnufctctu,es off or cU?U{C(!S
\h wnrcn -teen ovQv LQp
{;.3 Sma rt phone - 0 (T\Cltes CClllS1 t,Ql c~ plC I t;a/C eS
v1clec$ 1 gps . .
j LJ \~n ~p u~ t~- ~= >~ ~-- --~ --.. ..~ ~-- -~~ ~~ J
Outo bein3 enterPd into a clQuice
Oak a ts t,JQ inq troo s- I c1 led I fl to
som~H hi nj Ll s~f U/ b~ CPU $ R A/V}
QUi pUt -{? )ofo rmd tlofl is bQi llj p f ~ 6e.d t;o
t5tte use r
~to rag e -I> l-r\fo :t dat a a(e s!)ored tor faJwe
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o f ,r ip u t :mode
='h·· proctu c , ui~
di( fer er t ;n ~ ll t modPs
4 ~pcua(,e dQUicQr
i"pu ,t d a td p ro du~t, vQ_J
I coml'j toqebn{)r to -p <;;tep t/ l
a n otJ w r ca n -s
I -£> "" If of\Q fa i Is
i t s b,o nq e r a 3ai ns--t er imo :
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5_ .-t7 srneut pYlone ! 'touch sc
8 t .-~·
£-r9a 11oot1t • ~ - - ~
I I k-ej board (.UJsc)
Wrist rest •
ttJavd s
:' I • Sp 11t ~ej o
r Llu u~
ij h t
. ,; (om fa, lab I~ he
r Mouse crn ms
w n s t reJ>t
,/ * Meusee -
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S"3 tt , ct,ct
;~ -y JBotk>ns eQ
fi 4 ' ~ e eil3j
/ -Cetnle V_S ·o f cable
im i fe d ten3th
or ftom a drst;tmCP ........,._ L
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es cttreu power-
I k:-
1' - Q ecJ eu
Need.S wt-t-er. es