Assessment 02 (Paragraph-type questions)
o This assessment is compulsory.
o Contribution towards the year mark: 40%
First read through the following sources, and then answer the assignment
Prescribed textbook (SoE): Chapters 1 to 2, and recommended readings Wrap-
around guide for this module.
Question 1
1.1 Discuss what is meant by “sociology”. (3)
Sociology is the study of society, including the patterns of social relationships, social
interaction, and culture. It examines how society influences individual behavior and
how individuals contribute to the structure and functioning of society.
1.2 Define the concept of education. (3)
Education can be defined as the process of acquiring knowledge, skills, values, and
attitudes. It encompasses formal education in schools as well as informal learning
from family, peers, and the broader society.
1.3 Briefly explain the following terms:
a) Assimilation (1)
Assimilation refers to the process by which individuals or groups take on the cultural
traits of another group, often leading to the loss of their original cultural identity.
b) Society (1)
Society is a grouping of individuals who interact with each other, share a common
culture, and have a sense of unity and belonging.
c) Ecology of a school (1)
The ecology of a school refers to the relationship between the physical environment,
social interactions, and educational outcomes within a school setting.
1.4 One of the functions of the sociology of education is the activation of
constructive and creative forces. How could this aim be taught in the
classroom? (6)
The aim of activating constructive and creative forces in sociology of education can
be taught in the classroom through interactive and project-based learning activities
that encourage critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation. Teachers can also
foster a positive and inclusive classroom culture that values diverse perspectives
and encourages collaboration and teamwork.
, 1.5 Discuss the proponents of conflict theory. (5)
The proponents of conflict theory, such as Karl Marx and Max Weber, view society
as being divided by unequal power dynamics, with the dominant group exploiting the
subordinate group for its own benefit. Conflict theorists emphasize the role of power,
coercion, and competition in shaping social relations and institutions.
Question 2
2.1 How does conflict theory view the role of families? (6)
Conflict theory views the role of families as perpetuating inequality and serving the
interests of the dominant social group. It suggests that families can reinforce power
dynamics, economic disparities, and social stratification within society. Conflict
theorists argue that families uphold the status quo and may contribute to the
exploitation of marginalized groups.
2.2 Briefly outline the role of the family as a social institution. (4)
The family serves as a primary social institution responsible for nurturing and
socializing individuals, providing emotional support, and transmitting cultural values
and norms. It also plays a role in the reproduction and care of the next generation,
as well as providing economic support and stability for its members.
2.3 What are the principles of symbolic interactionism theory? (5)
The principles of symbolic interactionism theory include the belief that individuals act
based on the meaning they attribute to situations, the importance of symbols and
language in shaping social interactions, and the emphasis on the role of
communication and interaction in shaping individual behavior and identity.
2.4 Discuss the criticisms of functionalism theory. (5)
Some criticisms of functionalism theory include its tendency to overlook conflict and
inequality within society, its downplaying of individual agency and the influence of
power dynamics, its oversimplification of complex social processes, and its potential
to reinforce the status quo and resist social change. Additionally, critics argue that
functionalism may prioritize the stability and harmony of society over issues of social
justice and equality.
Question 3
3.1 How does symbolic interactionism theory perceive the role of families? (6)
Symbolic interactionism theory perceives the role of families as essential in shaping
individuals' identity and the development of shared meanings and symbols within the
family unit. This theory emphasizes the significance of interactions and
communication within the family, and how these interactions influence individual
behavior and perspectives.