DUE: 6 JUNE 2024
Learning and teaching support materials/ resources (L TSM) provide the structure for
teaching within which learners explore, experiment, plan and make decisions for
themselves, thus enabling them to learn, develop and make good progress.
1.1 Briefly provide the importance of resources and complete the following table to
emphasise the structure LTSM provide for teaching and learning.
Resource Utilization in Teaching and
Category Example Explanation Learning in Foundation Phase
Print materials In Mathematics, storybooks can
encompass any paper- be used to introduce
based resources. mathematical concepts in a
Storybooks can be used contextualized manner. In Home
to enhance reading Language and First Additional
skills, vocabulary Language, storybooks can be
development, and used for reading comprehension
Print Materials Storybooks comprehension. and language development.
Interactive whiteboards can be
Technological resources used in Mathematics for
refer to electronic interactive problem-solving, in
equipment. Interactive Home Language and First
whiteboards can Additional Language for
facilitate interactive multimedia presentations and
lessons, visual language practice, and in Life
Technological Interactive presentations, and Skills for interactive
Resources Whiteboard multimedia learning. demonstrations.
Manipulatives are Counting blocks can be used in
resources that can be Mathematics for concrete
handled and understanding of mathematical
manipulated by operations, in Home Language
learners. Counting and First Additional Language for
blocks can be used for vocabulary reinforcement, and in
hands-on learning of Life Skills for hands-on activities
Counting counting, addition, and related to measurement and
Manipulatives Blocks subtraction. quantity.
Playgrounds can be used in
Outdoor equipment Mathematics for spatial
encourages gross motor awareness activities, in Home
development. A Language and First Additional
playground provides Language for descriptive writing
opportunities for about outdoor experiences, and in
Outdoor physical activity and Life Skills for promoting physical
Equipment Playground exploration. fitness and social interaction.
, Resource Utilization in Teaching and
Category Example Explanation Learning in Foundation Phase
Natural resources are Leaves can be used in
found in the natural Mathematics for sorting and
environment and are not patterning activities, in Home
man-made. Leaves can Language and First Additional
be used for art projects, Language for descriptive writing
science investigations, about nature, and in Life Skills for
Natural and sensory exploring the natural world and
Resources Leaves exploration. ecological concepts.
1.2 Busljeta (2013:56) describes the purpose of teaching and learning resources as
being to "assist the teacher with the presentation and transmission of educational
content and the achievement of educational objectives, whilst aiding the students in
acquiring knowledge and profiling different abilities and values".
Discuss the common goals of using L TSM in your classroom. Illustrate each goal by
giving an example from each of the subjects, Maths, Life Skills,
Home Language and First Additional Language.
Student Motivation: LTSM can be used to engage and motivate students in their learning
process, making lessons more interesting and relevant to their lives. For example:
In Mathematics, colorful manipulatives like counting blocks or geometric shapes can
motivate students to explore mathematical concepts through hands-on activities.
In Life Skills, real-life scenarios or simulations can be presented using LTSM to motivate
students to learn about decision-making and problem-solving.
In Home Language and First Additional Language, storybooks with captivating illustrations
and relatable characters can motivate students to read and improve their language skills.
Developing Creativity: LTSM can stimulate students' creativity by providing opportunities
for exploration and expression. For instance:
In Mathematics, students can use art supplies like colored paper and markers to create
their own geometric shapes or patterns, encouraging creative thinking.
In Life Skills, students can use various materials to create projects related to topics such as
nutrition or sustainability, fostering creativity and innovation.
In Home Language and First Additional Language, students can write and illustrate their
own stories or poems, expressing their creativity through language.
Evoking Prior Knowledge: LTSM can help activate students' prior knowledge and make
connections to new concepts. For example: