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HBEDTL6 (Learning Section) - Memo of questions given by lecturer for all 10 themes R80,00
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HBEDTL6 (Learning Section) - Memo of questions given by lecturer for all 10 themes

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HBEDTL6 (Learning Section) - Memo of questions given by lecturer for all 10 themes in 2018

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  • January 19, 2019
  • 49
  • 2018/2019
  • Answers
  • Unknown
All documents for this subject (11)

6  reviews


By: reevarobertson • 4 year ago


By: lynetteprinsloo • 3 year ago


By: AnchenJoubert • 4 year ago


By: inge_200 • 5 year ago


By: Nicoleu • 5 year ago


By: ARebelo • 6 year ago

These are my answers to the questions posted
by the lecturer on MyUnisa for the Jan/Feb
2019 examination for Section B…

Section B – Learning Section

Theme 1: Role of educational psychology in teaching and learning. ...................................................................................................... 4

1. Define educational psychology and justify importance of studying. ................................................................... 4

2. Describe briefly 2 different types of research studies used by educational psychologists. ................................. 4

3. Discuss use of research to understand and improve teaching and learning. ...................................................... 5

4. Discuss concepts ................................................................................................................................................. 5
Theme 2: Theories of Piaget & Vygotsky .................................................................................................................................................. 6

1. Discuss 4 factors that influence cognitive development ..................................................................................... 6

2. Discuss two basic tendencies in thinking as explained by Piaget ........................................................................ 7

3. Discuss Piaget's theory ........................................................................................................................................ 8

4. Summarise Piaget's stages of cognitive development in table format. ............................................................. 10

5. Discuss limitations of Piaget's theory ................................................................................................................ 11

6. Briefly define Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory ................................................................................................. 11

7. Discuss Vygotsky's view of the role of cultural tools in cognitive development ................................................ 12

8. Explain Vygotsky's zone of proximal development............................................................................................ 12

9. Discuss limitations of Vygotsky's socio-cultural theory ..................................................................................... 12

10. Discuss influence of Piaget's theory on educational practice ........................................................................ 13

11. Discuss the influence of Vygotsky's theory on educational practice ............................................................. 13

12. Discuss the development of language........................................................................................................... 14

13. Summarise the development of language in table format. Headings: Age range, milestone(s), strategies to
encourage development ........................................................................................................................................... 15

14. Discuss language development in the school years ...................................................................................... 15
Theme 3: Erikson's stages of individual development; Moral development. ....................................................................................... 16

1. Briefly describe following concepts................................................................................................................... 16

2. Discuss Erikson's stages of individual development .......................................................................................... 17

3. Summarise Erikson's stages of individual development in table: stages; app age; important event; description

4. Provide 4 guidelines with examples, for encouraging initiative in preschool children ...................................... 18

5. Provide 3 guidelines, with examples, for encouraging industry ........................................................................ 19

6. Provide 4 guidelines, with examples, for supporting identity formation .......................................................... 19

7. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 19

8. Discuss Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning .................................................................................................. 20

9. Summarise Kohlberg's theory of moral reasoning indicating level and stages, in table .................................... 21

10. Provide 6 guidelines, with examples, for supporting personal and moral development in learners ............. 21

,Theme 4: Intelligence Common challenges students may face in their teaching career. .................................................................... 23

1. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 23

2. Distinguish between general, fluid and crystallised intelligence ....................................................................... 23

3. Discuss multiple intelligences ........................................................................................................................... 24

4. Summarise 8 intelligences, in table, using intelligence; end states; core components ..................................... 24

5. Evaluate use of group IQ tests for making educational decisions about children. What are the advantages and
disadvantages? ......................................................................................................................................................... 25

6. Discuss group VS individual IQ tests .................................................................................................................. 25

7. List 3 aspects to consider in the interpretation of IQ scores ............................................................................. 25

8. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 26

9. Discuss reading habits and errors made by students with learning disabilities ................................................ 26

10. Discuss manifestation of ADHD ..................................................................................................................... 27

11. List 5 recommendations for teachers to support learners with ADHD .......................................................... 27

12. Discuss 4 different types of emotional and behavioural disorders ................................................................ 27

13. Provide 5 guidelines, with examples, for disciplining learners with emotional problems ............................. 28

14. Briefly describe the following phenomena ................................................................................................... 28

15. Describe the nature (basic or inherent features, character, or qualities of something) of the gifted child and
indicate problems that he/she may experience ........................................................................................................ 29
Theme 5: Culture and diversity. ............................................................................................................................................................... 30

1. Describe ............................................................................................................................................................ 30

2. What are effects of low socio-economic status that may explain lower achievements of learners from poor
environments ............................................................................................................................................................ 30

3. Define prejudice and explain development of prejudice (5) ......................................................................... 31

4. Discuss short and long term effects of stereotype threat ................................................................................. 31

5. Discuss 6 ideas to promote learning and language acquisition ......................................................................... 32
Theme 6: Observational learning and cognitive behaviour modification. ............................................................................................ 33

1. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 33

2. Discuss social learning theory ........................................................................................................................... 33

3. Discuss elements of observational learning ...................................................................................................... 33

4. Discuss use of behavioural learning principles in self-management ................................................................. 34
Theme 7: Views of memory ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35

1. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 35

2. Provide 5 guidelines, with examples, for gaining and maintaining attention .................................................... 36

3. Discuss working memory as 'workbench' of memory system ........................................................................... 36


, 4. Distinguish between maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal ........................................................... 37

5. Discuss the capacity, duration and contents of long-term memory .................................................................. 37

6. Distinguish between explicit and implicit long-term memory ........................................................................... 37

7. Discuss ways to store and retrieve information in the long-term memory ....................................................... 38

8. Discuss mnemonics as a procedure for improving memory (10) ............................................................. 39
Theme 8: The process of problem solving. ............................................................................................................................................. 40

1. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 40

2. Distinguish between heuristics and availability heuristic .................................................................................. 40

3. Discuss 5 stages of general problem solving (IDEAL) ......................................................................................... 40

4. Discuss skills necessary to present a problem and set a goal ............................................................................ 41

5. Discuss possible solution strategies .................................................................................................................. 41

6. Discuss factors that hinder problem solving ..................................................................................................... 42

7. Define creativity and state two myths about creativity..................................................................................... 42

8. Provide 5 guidelines, with examples, for encouraging creativity ...................................................................... 43
Theme 9: Cognitive and social constructivism:....................................................................................................................................... 44

1. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 44

2. Distinguish between first wave constructivism and radical constructivism ....................................................... 44

3. List 5 common conditions of constructivism ..................................................................................................... 44

4. Discuss 5 common conditions of constructivism............................................................................................... 45

5. List 6 most shared features of cognitive apprenticeship models ...................................................................... 45
Theme 10: Motivation in learning and teaching: ................................................................................................................................... 46

1. Briefly describe ................................................................................................................................................. 46

2. Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation .................................................................................... 46

3. Discuss Maslow's hierarchy of needs ................................................................................................................ 46

4. Discuss the 4 achievement goal orientations that one finds in schools ............................................................ 47

5. Discuss guidelines for building confidence and positive expectations .............................................................. 48

6. List 6 guidelines for enhancing success ............................................................................................................. 48


,Theme 1: Role of educational psychology in teaching and learning.

1. Define educational psychology and justify importance of studying.

 The discipline concerned with teaching and learning processes.
 It applies theories and research methods of psychology
 Also has its own theories, research methods, problems and techniques.
 helps practitioners to understand and practise their profession effectively

2. Describe briefly 2 different types of research studies used by educational psychologists.

Descriptive studies:
Studies that collect detailed info about specific situations, often using observation, surveys, interviews,
recordings, or a combination of these methods.


 Descriptive approach
 Focuses on life within group
 Try to understand meaning of event to people involved

Case study:

 Intensive study of one person/situation

Participant observation

 Conduct descriptive research
 Researcher becomes participant in situation to understand life better in group

Experimental studies:
 Variables are manipulated and effects are recorded.
 Cause and effect are studied

Quasi-experimental studies

 Fit most criteria for true experiment except - Subjects not chosen randomly
 Already existing groups (classes/schools)


 People/animals studied


 Without any pattern/following no rule

Correlational Studies
 statistical descriptions of how closely two variables are related
 (+) or (-)

,Single subject experimental designs
 The goal is to determine the effects of a therapy, teaching method, or other intervention.

 systematic interventions to study effects with one person, often by applying and then withdrawing a
treatment; observe the individual for a baseline period (A) assess the behaviour of interest try an
intervention (B) note the results remove the intervention and go back to the baseline conditions
(A) finally reinstate the intervention (B) = ABAB experiment

Micro genetic Studies

 Detailed observation and analysis of changes in a cognitive process as the process unfolds over a several-day
or several-week period of time

3. Discuss use of research to understand and improve teaching and learning.

 Research can be a way to improve teaching.
 Same kind of careful observation, intervention, data gathering, and analysis that occurs in large research
projects can be applied in any classroom to answer questions such as:
o Which writing prompts seem to encourage the most creative writing in my class?
o When does JJ seen to have the greatest difficulty concentrating on academic tasks?
o Would assigning task roles in science groups lead to more equitable participation of girls and
boys in the work?
 Educational psychologists develop knowledge and methods.
 They use knowledge and methods of psychology and other related disciplines to study learning and teaching in
everyday situations.
 Educational psychologists examine what happens when someone/something (teacher/parent) teaches
something to someone else in some setting.
 Experimental studies help teachers implement useful changes.
 Instead of just observing & describing an existing situation, the investigators introduce changes en note results.

4. Discuss concepts

 Descriptive approach
 Focuses on life within group
 Try to understand meaning of event to people involved

Participant Observation
 Conduct descriptive research
 Researcher becomes participant in situation to understand life better in group

Case Study

 Intensive study of one person/situation

 statistical descriptions of how closely two variables are related
 (+) or (-)

 Variables are manipulated and effects are recorded.
 Cause and effect are studied

 People/animals studied

 Without any pattern/following no rule

Statistically significant
 Not likely to be a chance occurrence (Did not happen simply by chance).

Theme 2: Theories of Piaget & Vygotsky
1. Discuss 4 factors that influence cognitive development

Biological Maturation:
 The biological changes that we undergo – genetically programmed;
 parents and teachers have little impact on this aspect of cognitive development;
 children just need to be nourished and healthy
 Physical maturity comes the increasing ability to act on the environment and learn from it;
 we act on the environment as we explore, test, observe and eventually organise information
 we are likely to alter our thinking processes at the same time
Social Experiences:
 As we develop, we also interact with the people around us; we learn from others;
 without social transmission, we would need to reinvent all the knowledge already offered by our culture;
 the amount we can learn from social transmission varies according to the stage of cognitive development
 Organising, assimilating and accommodating can be viewed as a kind of complex balancing act;
 equilibration is the act of searching for a balance;
 people continually test the adequacy of their thinking processes in order to achieve that balance;
 if we apply a particular scheme to an event or situation and the scheme works, then equilibrium exists;
 if the scheme does not provide a satisfying result then disequilibrium exists;
 we keep searching for a solution through assimilation and accommodation – our thinking changes and
moves ahead


, 2. Discuss two basic tendencies in thinking as explained by Piaget

Two "invariant functions"

 Combining, arranging, recombining, and rearranging of behaviours and thoughts into coherent systems.
 Inherit tendency to organize thinking processes/thoughts into psychological structures.
 This psychological structures are our systems for understanding and interacting with world.
 Simple structures (schemes) combined and coordinated into more complex/sophisticated/effective structures.
(Infants can't look and grasp at same time)
 Structures/schemes
o basic building blocks of thinking
o Organised systems of thought/actions that allows us to mentally represent objects/events.
 Thinking processes - more organised – new schemes develop – behaviour more sophisticated & better suited
to environment.
 People adapt to increasingly complex environments by using existing schemes (whenever these schemes work
– assimilation) and modifying & adding to their schemes (when something new is needed – accommodation).


 Adjusting to the environment
 Inherit tendency to adapt to environment.
 2 Basic processes involved:


o Use existing schemes to make sense of world
o Try to understand something new by fitting it into what we already know (sometimes we distort new
info to make it fit like a racoon called kitty).


o Change existing schemes to adapt to new situation.
o No data/schemes found to fit, more appropriate schemes/structures developed (add scheme of
racoon to their other schemes).
o We adjust thinking to fit new info and not new info to adjust thinking.
 Both processes required most of the time (also accommodation when sucking out of a different sized straw).
 New experiences assimilated into existing schemes – scheme enlarged and changed somewhat – assimilation
involves some accommodation!
 Sometimes neither assimilation nor accommodation used!
 When something too unfamiliar (foreign language) –person may choose to ignore and not do anything!

(Act of searching for a balance).

o Organizing, assimilating and accommodation viewed as complex balancing act (Piaget).
o Actual changes in thinking through equilibration (act of searching for a balance).
o Piaget assumed people continually test adequacy of thinking processes to achieve balance.
o If a particular scheme applied to event/situation & scheme works – equilibrium exists.
o Scheme not produce a satisfying result – disequilibrium exists – we become uncomfortable.


,3. Discuss Piaget's theory

 How humans make sense of their world by gathering and organizing info.
 Child and adult thinking differs. Children's concepts' different than adult's.
 Thinking processes change radically & slowly from birth-maturity because we constantly try to make sense of
the world.
 Biological maturation, activity, social experiences, equilibration influences changes in thinking.

 All species inherit 2 tendencies:
o Organization and
o Adaptation.
 All people pass through same 4 stages in exactly same order (stages associated with specific ages).
 Person may go through long periods of transition between stages.
 Person may show characteristics of one stage in specific situation, but characteristics of higher/lower stages in
other situations.
 A student's age is NEVER guarantee of HOW child THINKS.

 Stages of cognitive development:
o Sensorimotor
 0-2/infancy
 In this stage, thinking is linked to the senses and children develop object permanence, which
is the understanding that objects exist whether they can be seen or not.
 This stage also sees the start of goal-direct actions.
 The child is able to accomplish some tasks logically.
o Preoperational
 early childhood(+-child starts talking) - elementary years(+- 7)
 This stage encompasses early childhood to the early elementary years.
 The child has not yet mastered the mental operation of thinking through an action rather
than performing this action.
 Being able to use symbols such as gesture or signs and the ability to pretend is important in
eventually achieving the skill of logical mental operations.
 In this stage, the child begins to achieve this, but logic is still one way as the child finds it
difficult to 'reverse' thinking when it comes to performing a task.
 The child finds it difficult to understand that something remains the same even though it is
re-arranged or a change has been made to its appearance.
 When a child has difficulty with this conservation, it is possible that he/she is only focussing
on one feature of the object or situation at a time.
 This is known as decentring.
 In this stage children are egocentric, in that they assume that everybody else shares their
world view and finds it difficult to see someone else's point of view.
 During this stage, language develops rapidly and vocabulary increases.
o Concrete operational
 later elementary (+-Gr1) - middle school(early adolescence +- 11)
 In this stage the child is able to relate mental tasks to concrete objects and situations
(concrete operations).
 This child is able to solve problems of conservation.
 Identity is mastered when an individual understands that people and objects remain the
same if nothing is added or taken away.


,  Compensation is understood – a change in one direction is compensated by a change in a
different direction.
 Also, the child now achieves reversible thinking, in that he/she can think backwards from the
end to the beginning.
 During this stage, the child is able to classify objects into groups according to specific
 Also, seriation is mastered, which is the ability to arrange objects in series according to
height, size, etc.
 The thinking mastered at this stage, however, is still concerned with the concrete, and
abstract or hypothetical thinking is not done.
o Formal operational
 High school & college (adolescence – adulthood)
 In this stage, mental tasks involving abstract thinking and manipulation or controlling of
many variables are conducted.
 Using hypothetic-deductive reasoning, the individual can work out what could happen
depending on the manipulation of certain factors.
 Both deductive reasoning (reasoning from general assumptions to a specific conclusion), and
inductive reasoning (reasoning from a specific case to a general rule), are used.
 During this stage, adolescent egocentrism occurs and individuals are very focussed on their
own ideas and beliefs.
 Furthermore, individuals in this stage have a sense of an imaginary audience in that they feel
that everyone is watching them.
 Some individuals remain at this stage throughout life.


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