Chapter 2 - Physical development of the adolescent
Puberty – the first phase of adolescence, the point in physical maturation when sexual reproduction is
Pubertal changes are beginning of adolescence & puberty. Changes divided in
1. External bodily changes (height, weight)
2. Internal physiological changes (nutritional needs, motor capabilities
Adolescents assign meaning to the changes. The meaning:
1. Influence experience & involvement with body
2. Depend on factors such as early / late maturation, menstruation, erection etc.
Feelings such as joy, pride, shame etc is associated with the changes
Changes cause problems / stress for adolescents:
1. Worry if development will be acceptable
2. Uncoordinated due to irregular growth
3. First menstruation could be traumatic
4. Semen emissions could cause shame
5. Acne as it affects appearance
6. Obesity decrease self-image
To develop identity adolescents must
1. Accept changes
2. Integrate changes into the self-image
3. Still feel like the same person (continuity)
Adolescents’ perception of their body could obstruct or improve their self-concept. Self concept is
influenced by:
1. What they feel others think of them (humiliated when made fun of)
2. Impression they make on the peer group (conform to social behavior and sometimes
appearance and norms of group which determines how the group will behave)
Characteristics of physical development
*Accelerated growth
AG happens during pubescent period (period before adolescence). Various changes takes place which
leads to reproductive maturity. Pituitary gland plays important role and pubescence gradually gives way
to puberty.
Physical changes happen because glands release hormones such as sex and growth hormones which
includes oestrogen and testosterone as well as hormones which forms muscle and bone.
***Growth spurt – hormonal changes result in rapid increase in body length and mass, but proportions
of the body changes.
1. Starts between 9 ½ and 14 ½ (generally 10) for girls & 10 ½ and 16 (generally 12 or 13) for boys.
Growth spurt lasts about 2 years and sexual maturity is reached soon after the growth spurt
2. Girls reach mature body length 2 years before boys. Girls at 17 and boys at 21
3. Girls are heavier & stronger than boys between ages 11 – 13 but boys catch up due to a more
intense growth spurt and are generally taller
4. All skeletal and muscular proportions are affected but in different degrees which causes
clumsiness and poor coordination, but this is restored after the growth spurt.
5. Growth rate is influenced by genetic, endocrine, emotional and environmental factors but varies
for each person.
,*Primary & secondary sexual characteristics
Secondary characteristics emphasize differences between adults and children and also the outward
appearance between men and woman. Eg. Facial hair, breasts, voice etc.
There is about a 7 year range for the onset of puberty of girls and about 8 years for boys. Average age
for puberty is 12 for girls and for boys. The process takes about 4 years.
Girls Boys
Growth spurt (10 – 11) Growth spurt (12 – 13)
Breast development (10 – 11) Testes & Scrotum (11 – 12)
Pubic hair (10 – 11) Skin darkens
Underarm & body hair (12 – 13) Penis (12 – 13)
Vaginal discharge (10 – 13) Lengthen then thickens
Underarm and sweat glands (12 – 13) Ejaculation (13 – 14)
Menstruation (11 – 14) About 1 year after lengthen – no sperm
Pubic hair (11 – 12),
Underarm & body hair (13 – 15),
Facial hair (13 – 15)
Underarm and sweat glands (13 – 15)
Sweat and body odour
Deepening of voice (14 – 15)
Adams apple about 1 year before voice breaks
*Motor development
Body parts grow at different rates. Types of coordination, balance and agility deteriorate due to rapid
and uneven growth at the start of puberty.
Boys and girls are generally evenly matched in weight and height until adolescence then
Boys are 10kg heavier and taller and outperform in sport
Boys’ muscle tissue double and girls only increase with half
Girls tend to be less active during puberty due to clumsi ness and could be self-conscious. Also due to
different learners developing at different rates, the playing field is not even.
***Secular trend
Tendency to grow taller and heavier than their parents and grandparents were. The age at which
learners reach puberty decrease and the height at maturity increase. This is common in developed
countries or certain population groups and is attributed to healthier diets, better medical service,
improved sanitation and less childhood diseased due to immunization. Poverty inhibits the secular
Some elements of this maturity have reached a genetically determined limit – limit to human size.
Evidence of secular trend can be seen in:
1. Increase in average height
2. Earlier start of growth spurts
3. Earlier changes in vocal quality
4. Earlier start in menstruation (average from 16 to 13)
Earlier development can cause problems when physical development overtake psychological
development (can’t cope with demands of changes). Exercise could also inhibit early development.
,***Early and late development
The age at which puberty is reached influences emotionsl and social development. Many advantages
for boys, girls little benefit
Early development boys – overall more beneficial for boys
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Look older Less time to be teenager (responsibilities)
Get more responsibilities Other development does not keep up – causes
Perform well in sport actions to be less obvious.
Leadership roles – high status with peers Avoid problem solving or new situations, prefer
Socially active routines
Involved with girls Cannot handle freedom – delinquent acts
Adults treat as equals
Personality – self assured, competence, socially
acceptable, self control, laugh at themselves,
greater personal attraction
Self concept tend to be better
Late development boys
Advantages: Disadvantages:
More time to be teenager Feel rejected and dependent
More intellectual than physical Gender role doubts
More insightful (better social initiative & problem More restless
solving in adulthood) Less popular
Domineering and rebellious – labeled as cocky
Early development girls
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Attract attention of older boys Not emotionally ready for social demands
Go out with boys earlier Dissatisfaction with size
More prestige by peers Less emotional stability and self-control
Better self-concept Earlier sexual experiences
Get on better with families Conflict with adults due to above
Better socialized Vulnerable to smoke, drink, eating disorder,
More self-confidence and less anxiety depression, older friends, psychological distress
Late development girls
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Not concerned about size Less satisfied with appearance
Develop emotionally to cope with changes Need for acknowledgement
Keep up with pace of boys in class Jealous of social success of others
***Body image
BI is associated with the sense of self worth and is determined by the experience of how others see
them. BI is a comparison to others. Self-esteem is tied with being attractive and the standard is very
high. BI is related to self-concept
Physical development (acne, late development etc) is critical in forming a body image as they change the
attitude toward their body based on these factors. This impacts self-concept and personality
Boys are more positive than girls. Metabolism declines by 15% during adolescents which w ill cause
weight gain including poor nutrition and lack of exercise. Learners who feel they are attractive tend to
, be more successful. Negative BI could inhibit learners through concentration, motivation, shyness,
social distance and inactive physical activities.
Mens starts about 1 year after puberty starts, generally around 12.8 years, but this varies based on
genetics, economic factors and nutrition. Also excessive exercise & diet could result in later starts.
The experience could be traumatic or positive depending on the adult guidance they received. If female
identity is not affirmed then the experience could be negative.
Menstruation is release of an egg and conception can occur after the first cycle. Pain and PMS can occur
and vitamin B assists in reducing pain.
*Erection, ejaculation & nocturnal semen
1st EJ is the same significance as girl’s mens. Generally proud moment but negative if unexpected or wet
dream. Can be caused by anything and is a spontaneous response.
*Breaking of the voice
Boys and girls change but boys more dramatic. Larynx enlarge and cause deeper voice and adams apple.
Voices can go high or low at point, especially when stressed. Reaction is based on other’s reaction.
Healthy lifestyle
Adolescents are generally healthy with occasional colds and digestive problems, but health issues are
caused by stress, lifestyle or social conditions. Causes of stress is inability to adapt to all changes.
Accidents occur due to risk taking and experimentation (cars, alcohol etc) to prove themselves.
Due to their self centered perceptions they believe that they are special or immortal and bad things
cannot happen.
Health, nutrition and safety are related as the quality of one affects the others.
*Personal hygiene
85% of adolescents experience acne (more boys). This has a psychological and emotional effect as it
affects attractiveness. Diet, cleansing, stress management and sleep can assist in treatment.
Body odour can also occur in adolescence and a clean lifestyle can prevent smells.
Food supplies nutrients for:
Growth and development (rapid during adolescence)
Resistance to illness and infection
Normal behavior
Tissue repair
Irregular and unhealthy eating and sleeping patterns cause ill nutrition. This could cause suceptiveness
to illness and impaired cognitive development and lower capacity for work. Also affects on self-concept,
concentration decline, problem-solving abilities impaired and they are depressed. Ill nutrition can delay
growth, compromise final growth attained and affect puberty. Girls suffer more from ill nutrition than
boys due to diets and eating less.
Well balance diet requires protein, calcium, iron and vitamins. All 5 food groups should be included in
the daily diet.
Cause for infections could include nutritional deficiencies, dietary imbalance and poor sleeping. Mono
(kissing disease) is caused by direct physical contact or eating from the same utensils. Could cause liver