DUE DATE: 2024
, lOMoARcPSD|21997160
Assignment 2
Chloe Coetzee
Student number: 23441720
PLS 1502 (Introduction to African Philosophy)
Interpreting the Political Connections: A Critical
Examination of De 昀椀 nitional Dilemmas in African
This essay explores the complex world of African philosophy, examining its history, culture,
and socio-economic factors. It claims that African philosophy cannot be simply defined in
academic terms; rather, it is a matter of politics. The essay will unravel the difficulties in
defining philosophy, specifically in South Africa, and shed light on the post-colonial setting.
The aim is to provide an understanding of the challenges in defining African philosophy and
emphasize the importance of grasping South Africa's post-colonial context.
The Complexity of De 昀椀 ning Philosophy
Philosophy is an abstract and complex discipline that often cuts through the chase of what
we deem as concrete definitions (Unna, 1921). It deals with more than abstract concepts
that often have well-established concrete meanings, resulting in many discussions and
controversies about what makes up philosophy and, thus, what texts can be taken as
philosophical. This is, broadly speaking, the unintentional consequence of tradition, and it’s
not quite the same as the problem of traditional African philosophy that troubles the
discipline, but that gets at the problem of defining what counts and what does not as African
Defining what philosophy is entails a complex task because it is a subject that is not ill-
defined but well-defined by the diversity and depth of information that we may see from it.
One side of philosophy goes deep into epistemology and metaphysics, while the other side
touches on simplifying and aesthetics. Moreover, philosophy is dynamic in the very same
way that knowledge, and many societies and cultures at different times have regarded it as
they reflect upon this knowledge and the transformations it can bring (Gyekye, 2011).
Defining philosophy can be complicated due to its extensive scope, loss of constant content,
interdisciplinary nature, and its evolution over the years. Despite those complexities, the
nature of philosophy is the persistent search for information.
African Philosophy: A perspective on De 昀椀 nitional challenges
African philosophy includes philosophical concepts and beliefs that originated in Africa or
were developed by indigenous Africans. It addresses a broad spectrum of issues, including