Answer the ff. self-evaluation questions (which you will find at the end of each study unit):
2.1.2 What is Geography? Activity 2 (± 10 minutes)
1 Identify certain key elements which each of these definitions emphasise:
1.1 It is the study of functional units and spatial patterns formed by the geography of a planet,
region, or place.
1.2 Geography is the study of the interrelationship between man and his environment,
including the processes that impact and affect this relationship, like the climate, weather,
topography etc.
1.3 Geography attempts to provide an accurate, orderly, and rational description and
interpretation of the variable characteristics of the earth’s surface.
2 Also consult a good dictionary/dictionaries and see how they define the term (Geography):
Geography is the study of all the physical features of the Earth’s surface, a place or a region,
e.g. mountains and rivers; including its climate and the distribution of plant, animal, and
human life; and the layout of a place e.g. the arrangement of the different parts of a building,
city, or other place, and the way that something is arranged and the relationships between its
different elements.
3 Take all these definitions and note similarities and differences in these definitions.
1. All refer to the planet, region, and 1. The first definition specifies operational
space man lives in. and spatial entities that have an effect on
the planet, region or place.
2. All refer to relationships and 2. The second definition specifies the
processes that relate to or impact interrelationship of these entities with
these spaces and areas man lives in. man and his environment.
3. All attempt to describe the features 3. The third definition relates to the
and relationships that affect man’s description, methods of explanation, and
surroundings. interpretation of these entities that impact
and affect the earth and in turn human life
on earth.
4 After all that you’ve read and experienced in activities 1 & 2, now try to define the concept:
Geography attempts to describe, interpret, and explain the study of all the physical features
and topography of the Earth's surface including the effects of meteorological entities affecting
the surface, and the arrangement and distribution of plant, animal, and human life on earth.
Activity 5 (± 2 mins)
What three broad categories do these sources acknowledge as contributing to a child's
1. Ecosystems
2. Economic Systems
3. Cultural Systems
1. What is meant by the following concepts:
a. History? History is a study, analysis, and interpretation of people of the past,
and what led to past events which made a historical impact on the lives of other
people. It is also a study of cause and effect, since many of the historical events
led to the social and economical landscape carved out centuries later.
b. Geography? Geography is the interrelationship between man and his
environment, which includes the natural processes like climatology,
geomorphology, plant and animal life, Agriculture and economics, population
dynamics, to mention a few.
c. Social Sciences? The Social sciences are the interrelationships between the
components of Geography and History. It is a correlation of man and how his
environment impacts on him. Historical events have taken place due to
geographical phenomenon, like physical terrain.
, 2. Discuss the essential nature of Geography and History as school subjects.
Geography is the study of natural phenomenon like rivers, basins, oceans etc. as well
as towns, regions and their location. It also studies the spatial distribution and
position of such phenomenon. It studies the interrelationship of the different
components that make up the study of Geography. It is a holistic understanding of the
various environments which include information from a variety of sources, like
economics, ecology, socio-cultural sources. Also the changes that take place in these
phenomenon are also studied, and has relevance for the learner.
3. Discuss the value of Geography and History as important subjects in the
general education of young people. By introducing Geography, the learners are
made aware of their environment as a complete system and an interdependent
process. Learners are informed about environmental education and the importance of
preservation of natural resources. By studying history, learners learn about different
peoples and cultures, which promote racial and cultural understanding and tolerance.
It also shows learners how decisions taken in the past have impacted people and the
environment later. It is a holistic approach to understanding the interrelationships
between various different subjects taught at school.
4. Discuss the development of Geography and History teaching in South Africa.
The history of South African education with regards to History and Geography as
subjects, shows a disparity in that teaching of subject matter differed along the
barriers of the person’s race and creed. Also different provinces followed different
syllabuses, and taught differing subject matter, as well as the the length of time the
subject was taught, e.g. some provinces taught the subjects up till grade5 whereas
others up till grade 8. In 1990 education for the nation was brought under one
umbrella, and the disparity which existed along racial lines was addressed, and
5. Discuss the basic principles of good general teaching and how they apply to
both Geography and History teaching.
The teacher must plan lessons which are interactive, and learner orientated. The
content must be linked to present day issues, to create relevance and a sense of
understanding of the different interrelationships between phenomenon. Ask pertinent
questions that would make the child think, and realise different perspectives. Include
hands-on activity which generate fun and alleviate boredom. Link content to the other
subjects taught at school. Create brain-gym activities related to the content. Highlight
cause and effect examples to create realisation of the importance of researched
decision making. Offer variety in teaching methods, and facilitate debates and
discussions on pertinent issues relating to the content.
Motivate expansion of knowledge by creating varied interests which require research
on the topic.
6. Discuss the integration of Geography and History studies.
The position, physical terrain, location, natural resources, agriculture, map-work,
which are geographical phenomenon, impacted on historical events and peoples. The
position and location of certain places and cities, like Cape Town were the first
reasons for settlement of foreigners in the Cape. Similarly people look for flat land and
terrain to create settlement. People are dependent on agriculture which is dependent
on water resources and availability of it. Thus there is a close correlation of these two
studies. History studies peoples and their cultures, and the different lifestyles, and
thinking patterns which have created history. Geography studies man and his relation
to the environment and planet earth.