>free YtY$e pOem Vutth n0 r hgrne Scherne Ond ernlobmmrl"
creort$ f ont 61 Cerrgtn1g.
tnt.rtcluc(s 0dd5
Subiegtaf t^-lhrCt.t
p odrn. '
t's what poetry i€D $ on the I cicie.
l'^', filt],
painting in the mind
e KP h s Fclfitef
palette and brush r,tlO{dS tG Cteorc <ln
0r oon r(
{itstr Cr\
'l ,nr I brushes t0 ctfd\e
af or H.'
J 5c[ g rure
rne n\i nd's edge sharpens the knife >Tlai{'Kit
sllrttt0h6n pvrc Itnt rRqwiil8l&"
descr rbrnq trn0cFs / P r oc,ess
CVoICe S the
lrr ogrs Jslashins bpoti Siosre! p ssrn Nrth rv0Y
[wisting the trees and limbs into tortuous shapes
as Van Gogh did
bewitched by nrovement,s grace, c re c\\ e5 s(lme \m(IcJc rts\n g u; ct c{t ag
rhurhrn c lBif\t(r rnqLes Lrsinci pcrrnt "
bqptu res the s kirts It Qht Cit trC att novtrntnti-
1",r0 rcls of Dega
c0n rne0 N.,
Butrwords on the pag
as paint on canvas
are fixed.utnt t'itr{i{ji t'1q
It's in the oft comtl
t- l-hr vitwer
the poem oF lrotrvr
r{nqt vftdtr
ren ct5 t0
L^stct rn 0trn" Ai tti qx
rruJ in{ lO . jne utf e v rfrC ocld
hr and
{ pain'r-l-fle
iflr t5otrn .
Giei t3 rG rl"le cXi6curssrcn cf
, nnt -pcut-huhL\{ ts tna t__pouru _ond $Lu_\|r'og6_ 0rr sir:ru\Gr_rn_!0q
$Aes_ho m u$rss _$rR _sore (drq_usrn$ dics.r ent
nneCrtlfnS b\ v_0s '\ - 0rt(Et E NI b rusnts to o convos
r\ Sgg@ _eanopoyts Jmroe\s_qt_ o_poet ta_ iltg_too\s_r:f q_o
ipHon * Sru _
tryt ple,t--nnoee$ r r,sr o
@ o ncl _g[r'lEr nt inn tn e o\. P
r-Coo+ts-jn - fle _rtgdeu_ mjnd,
li I
{ "
II 'tr I
ittt ng movsr,ftrntt . Thr. Somt tmOtt. it
trte nnvr0rr-s rn fiL ppm con br ronermtd, lnis_d$0--
-- i_q_t3 s{dr.t1 r$ flr. sisr-utston, rhrCIuqn thr$t, tp fLrtr-rcer.
,Ds 5an"re Dq Scrff\e s i$xra rv1 tO
-l'cnt ctuthtnt\(
ttn itn(t structuYe -,^_*.^ o[' rjtu
'.t ci0t,5n'tcCIre .,-._ i
t+ rnc0rttci .cr
'jlre pce:t shcins5 loctc -*t- eOi.not\iX ccl erjrrCcrtiCft
(.; ;nt i n\ cm{CiCterrgt i 6 ;
I doesn't care of you black clrSrl11..r
I doesn't care of you white tl1Ct1 ct(f ineci c.r F)ar.1he ici
lndia a rt[Crme.t rc ciher C{YEJu61g e 5
clearlinkl- coic..irrci \n ACrikcrclfiS
if sometimes us Afrika itt
Y t i$CK pccptc crcccpilng +heuj aYt tn.fertof
all da peoples is make like God rncrcte tn 6CC,t C CI,S eclu(Ils
an' f\cq It {or 63161pcl.SD (cn
He wle humsn$ V.i\th H,$ Uncho nqt tg
for sure now dis hea
dats for meaning to say
u\e c.te stt the sqfl"rt
one man no diflent to anader
so now '-+ c,tSVrCU'j, t-1\tl5\ cc{-\{rc,nl
you see a big terrible terrible stand here
cns nnc.(r.1 rnci f. e: ctne i hrtf (.tet Lr_-y-Cri ti\t
how one man make anader man feel cr \tcr c crL{1e5 yrrlyi rc e
f eI
da pain he doesn't feel hisselg l. e / lnl nr\ I cic t-icrn .(eclr
for sure no dats da whole point
t sometime you wanna know how I mean ing for
rh simple
da nail of say da t'orn t
bit little bit of da
I doesn't care of you black
I doesn't care of you white
I doesn't care of you lndia
I doesn't care of you clearlink
I mean for sure da skin
only one t'ing come for sure
a one t'ing for sure is red blood ,r.', t'i r.. '",i. ,'.:t r {"' -' I 1 {
for sure da same da same for avarybudy
so for sure now ci rfi: I fiiri r r-l
cl{_..{ i. 'inr T h
co rn ( rocr 5rn
Ont o ;3JTfi[ Ct tYrot
,rt Cill Tne
(a[ . TYre crltttsr
Sqr6e " The
m erplcves cJe.nutrnc]ntBctt
,t' r^ Poero
t\n sotlt
e s
r^oL lLn-edugorc-l0otr,-uLL- of surrux-ord pot ePt\ung-
t^tCIs sKnnondLjnt+0et-od0pied--fcls0n L cfl u-neductrttfJ -scltn
Afrr \i.e-L 0
rnqlH tet s \i olJ rq\t ct
i rB tutes
:rh01 rern0in$ s\finer-s=1L:: ,
{ _01_t_
- \
G [c"
h!Le" , "-\ndr cln- --'-! I
! (rtroL $!uS lnSk: eLr'SIIl! E! -tLLne--LqtL trL eLqr ochr lS t(c8 lnot
,dt tr'trd
_l=.- Hnu'd
_,,_+ _u!u qottcl rus_\rrilb\r, te,r un\u / tomrnhvg in 3sl1 s tt vts
_ 1- d0eSn,t specrfu o roce , o[ of Sou*tt
iho\- God-mocle- e{eq-cns-io-trarnose -quiquq\9- -
.Aturrln_i_o --
sry-t+usll-s\.rgPo(ts \ne R€t q td.u.Cffim
The re r
t _os Hresu t
ruc r gm { prtlutt o,t ts at
$ loCtr- SouOIlf
rt\itfl t h,[t \s