UNIQUE NO. 218861
DUE DATE: 20 May 2024
, 4.2 Assignment 02
PDP4802: Assignment 02
Unique number: 218861
Submission date: 20 May 2024
Compulsory assignment for all students
Mark allocation: 50
Presentation of assignment
Present your assignment according to the format given below. Do not rewrite the instructions – write
down the headings, followed by the answers.
Use the following formatting for onscreen marking:
Margins: normal (i.e., 2.54 cm top, bottom, left and right)
Font: Arial or Calibri 11 or 12, single spacing
Insert a blank line (one line spacing) between paragraphs or sections
Start here with the assignment
• Attach a cover page that includes
- your name
- your student number
- the module code
- the assignment number
- the unique number
- the honesty declaration (see below)
• Create a header for every page, that contains your student number, the module code and the
assignment number.
• Insert page numbers in the assignment.
Student name and surname:
Student number: [please double-check the correctness]
Cellphone number:
Declaration of originality and honesty
[This declaration is compulsory. You must include it exactly as stated below.]
I hereby declare that I understand the Unisa policy on copyright infringement and
By submitting my assignment, I, as identified above, declare that this is my own
original work and not a copy from other sources that are not duly cited and referenced.
Furthermore, I did not copy the work of others submitting it as my own. I did not make
my work available to any fellow students to submit as their own.
I am aware of the disciplinary steps that can be taken against me should copyright
infringement and/or plagiarism be detected.